Authors note

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Hey! Minna! I want the next chapter to be really long so I'll updated next next week. The day before the release of Fairy Tail's anime. Hope you wait patiently or the anime and the next chapter!

I'm as excited as you guys are that's why I can't concentrate on this chapter, but not to worry. The ideas kept flooding in my head.

Thanks so much for continuing to read my story. I appreciate that! If It's too long. I'll update it really early.

Sorry if I had so much errors. Thanks for understanding. Oh! And I forgot to mention that there will be a surprise for the next chapter.

~Christine, but you can call me anything..

oh another thing, @Shiveringinred. Bianca, stop calling me Mo~chi. It sounds like a food in Japan. And I'm not food, I'm human.


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