FAQ | How to Host a Cover Contest

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I've been receiving some private messages asking on how I handle/host a cover contest so I decided to make a special chapter about it.

First of all, my contest is still growing its roots and still needs improvements so hopefully the following tips can help you.


#1 LOVE FOR GRAPHICS. Of course, how can you host something if you are not interested in it. You need to have passion and dedication in cover making or editing graphics to be able to host such contest.

#2 TIME & EFFORT. Yes, in my case, hosting takes tremendous time and effort. It's not just merely posting the prompt and accepting entries. You actually have to wait, edit, brainstorm, organize, answer and lots of things.

#3 ORGANIZATION. (IDK if mine is organized enough) You need to be organized, specially when accepting/receiving the entries. That includes your guidelines, rules, prizes, prompts and winners.

#4 FLEXIBLE. Yes, you don't always walk on straight road. There will be ups and downs and changes do happen all the time. This includes accepting criticisms and acknowledging suggestions to better improve your contest.

#5 CLARITY. Prompts and rules should be clear and simple. I know this by experience, because if prompt is too complicated, I lose my interest.

#6 INTERESTING. Keep things fresh and interesting, that's why a suggestion box is a must when hosting a contest. Because that is where you census what your participant wants.

#7 PRIZES. Aside from competing with different artist, prizes are what makes it more exciting. So think of prizes that would please the eyes but also abides with wattpad community rules.

#8 COMMUNICATE. Connecting with your participants via replying their applications and question is a big plus sign in hosting. This means that you are present and active for the participants.

#9 UPDATES. This is very important, specially that your contest isn't the only one that the participants entered. So mentioning, tagging or posting announcement is very important so that they know the status of their entry.

#10 SCHEDULE. Always place your schedule on top or bottom of your prompt. It can be neglected when putting it in between prompts.


Lots message me inquiring about my prize badges and asked to make a set for them, but I have to decline because these badges took me hours to make (I'm a slow editor). So here are some tips and format for badges.

#1 SOFTWARE. You need an editing software for this one, I use GIMP 2.0, because the badges are in PNG format.

#2 DESIGN. Visualize what kind of badge you want, shiny is the way to do it. I often search google for ideas and other contest and decide what kind of design I want to make.

#3 SIZE. A square ratio is basic and neat. 500x500 pixels for the whole PNG and do 450x450 for the actual badge so there will be space for the shadow.

Do you have any more additional tips for hosting?

UP NEXT: FAQ | How to Organize

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