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It was after Elias did his daily morning routine that he noticed a new message in his email inbox. Immediately, his heart rocketed.

Dear Mr. Wilcox,

Thank you for contacting me. I would be honored to help you in your research! Do you have a busy schedule, or? Let me know what time works the best for you. I will be looking forward to our meeting. With kind regards,

Ada Kopanja

Outside, the hazy and dreary clouds of Wistinburg seemed to be no different than the ones from yesterday, but it hadn't rained, not yet! Doubting that sunshine would appear any time soon, Elias answered the email. "Mmm, I think twelve o'clock today should be fine?" he muttered to himself as he typed.

When he hit send, the archaeologist rose from his spot to busy himself with something else, as he waited for a reply. Plucking his phone off of the table, he stared at his phone's screen, hesitating over Kane's last message. Opening his phone, he went over the missed calls list, sighed, and hit the call back button for Kane.

A ring. Two. Three.

Elias sucked in a breath, waiting for his friend to pick up.

Another few rings.

"Hey, so, uh, sorry that I'm not on the phone right now, y'know? Schedulin'. Leave me a message and I'll get back to you."

There was a beep, and Elias inhaled softly.

"Yo, Kane... Sorry about not answering any of your calls. I... Sorry. Yes, I'm in Wistinburg. I know I went against your wishes, I know, I know. I'm sorry."

He ended the message. With a sigh, Elias allowed the phone to rock back and forth in his palm, his chest heavy. His computer dinged for a new email arrival, Ada's latest response waiting in his inbox.

Dear Mr. Wilcox,

Twelve is suitable. Do you have a place in mind? If not, my suggestion would be at the Sebilj. I will meet you there at twelve sharp.


Ada Kopanja

"The Sebilj...?" Elias mused, testing the word on his tongue. He was probably pronouncing it wrong, but he didn't care. A quick search on his computer showed an image of a glorious stack of stone with a dome on top.

It didn't seem to be very big, and the steps surrounding it on all five sides were simple-looking. Scars wore deep into the stone, making the faces of each side, like a botched plastic surgery, somewhat hard and hideous to look at.

That's just fine! See you there today!

Elias hit send and leaned back, a curve of his lips pointing upward. Great!

As he turned towards the door, his eye caught the sight of the notebook on the table.

His heart pulsed in his chest with fervor, excitement exploding through his body. He had found something of the past, the past that was supposed to be erased.

Elias held up his hand to reach towards it, only to realize he was trembling. His fingers quivered in mid-air, zapped by elation.

I found something from before the Great Recreational Age.

His cheeks flushed with enthusiasm, blending in with his dark skin color. No one, at first glance, would be able to guess how he felt at this moment, but the stars in his eyes told another story.

Time sped by quicker than he expected, and before he knew it, it was 11:38, and he was dressed simply but neatly, ready to go.

People don't realize how important the first impression really is.

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