Chapter 1:My Story

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(Your Pov)
Today was the day I finally moved to California. I moved all the way from Idaho. My mother had passed away when I was a baby. All I had was my adoring father..... My new house wasn't quite as large as the one in New York but hey, at least it was something!! Knowing that I was going to a new kid at my new school I started to worry. 'What if the kids hate me?!'I thought. I was sure they would.
<The next morning>
I woke up and immediately looked for something to wear. If I wanted anybody to like me,I might as well make a good first impression.I scavenged through my closet and eventually chose some black jeans and my (your fav band) shirt. I grabbed my black combat boots and started towards the door. I then realized I had left my backpack on the floor next to my phone.Lovely.I grabbed my backpack and threw it on my back. Then remembering it was the middle of fall, I grabbed my jean jacket and my black beanie.I said my goodbyes to my dad and ran outside.I didn't want to miss the bus!! Turns out I was 5 minutes early. I took out my headphones and played my fav song "(ur fav song)". I reached for the apple I packed in my bag and took a bite. For a gala apple it sure was sour....Oh well. Finally the bus arrived. I hopped on and took my seat. I decided to take one of the front row seats becuz why not. I looked out the window and I literally almost crapped my pants. There outside my window were 2 girls staring at me. They seemed to be twins?? That's cool!! Suddenly I wasnt so scared!!I smiled and waved at them. The girls just stood there and when I blinked they were gone!! I look back outside,nothing,then to the seat next to me and right there were the 2 girls. They kept staring and staring. I was getting annoyed so I tried ignoring them. Didn't work. Then I looked at the girls and kindly asked them to stop. Didn't work. Finally I had lost my patience and snapped "Would you stop staring at me?!" And thankfully they stopped. In all honesty I feel something strange about those girls. Hmm......I wonder if they are new?? Or maybe they are just shy!! I don't know. I decide to put my headphones back on.

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