Chapter 4 - Out of the House

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It feels good since I am out of the house. I never been outdoors before. It feels great I could just be here all day. I decided to walk around the neighborhood then I saw a couple of kids seeing me and screaming "There's a cat!" filled with joy and others saying "Aww there's a kitty cat" but instead of going up to them I run away. Then I saw my cat friend John next door starring out the window waiting for something. He saw me then went out the window without his owner noticing. "Hey Kate! Why are you not on your house?" John asked me curiosity. "Emma your owner did when he got to school" I told him. "So I decided to run away..." I said with sad voice. "Just because she changed doesn't mean that you have to run away. What if she misses you?" John said. "She said she wanted to be can she miss me when she said she wanted to be alone?" I told him. John sighed and said "Just be careful around the streets it's not safe". "I will don't worry" I told him then walked away.

6 hours Later...

It's been 6 hours and I am starving I should've ate something after I left. I looked around me. I don't know what to do. Then I saw a ant. It was in my paw then I tried to kill it but sadly I can't. So I licked my paw to get the ant out. Then I realized I swallowed it. But I am more hungry then ever. So I walked around to see if I see anyone with food. Then I saw a dog bowl with cat food outside of someone's door. I ran over and ate some cat food. It was so good. Then I saw in the other bowl there is water so I drinked from there. I looked around the neighborhood. I never been here before but I decided that I should be here more for cat food. I think I might have luck on finding a new friend.

To be continued in chapter 5

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