chapter 18

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       -the next night-

Everyone was very excited for the full moon especially Wyatt with it being his first full moon

Zeke walked outside of the cabin and joined the others

Wyatt was practically jumped with joy and excitement

"Hey Wyatt you ready for your first full moon" asked Zeke

"Your damn right I'm ready I'll be all big and strong an able to kick ass"

Zeke laughed "well okay Wyatt I hope you have fun"

Just then the wolf pack arrived

Zeke went up to smoke

<hello smoke>

<hello master how is faith doing>

<she's been doing fine>

<well good I like her master>

Everyone got ready as the sun came down Zeke thought the sky looked beautiful as the sky faded into darkness

Zeke got on his hands and knees and prepared for the transformation

Hair started growing everywhere his body increased in size as his feet changed into large paws and his hands turned into large clawed hands ears started sprouting from his head as his others snuck into his body his teeth sharpened and grew in length as his mouth widened as he grew a snout

Soon the transformation was complete and pain of it receded

Since it was wyatts first night he led the starting howl as everyone else joined in as did the Wolf's loud and proud

They all then took off through the woods at top speed with Justin leading the pack

The warm air rushed across his face and back his fur waved in the air as he ran with excitement and thirst of the hunt it was clear that he was enjoying this as did the rest of the pack this was there one night a month that they were there full potential and they never took it for granted they always went out for the full night hunt

<guys> said patty

Everyone stopped and turned to look at her


She nodded in the direction of a small fire out in the distance

<let's go check it out> said angel

We all nodded in agreement we all split up going with are Wolf's

And all surrounded the area where the fire was hiding in the darkness just beyond the soft glow of the flames

Zeke took in the scene there were about 7 men with there hoods up they could tell they were men from the sound of there voices they all drunk beyond proportions all laughing and having a good time not yet knowing the danger they we're in

<what are normals doing here don't they know of the dangers of this forest> said Tristan

<yeah this a little weird normals almost never come into these woods especially at night> said atom

<I know right, well let's make this quick go fast and hard and end them quickly> said Justin

We all nodded and quickly jumped into the light the men got startled by us and went closer to the fire but they then started smiling and suddenly pulled out wands and waved them

They we're witches

The trees branches grabbed the pack wolfs included and lifted them off the ground the werewolves struggled to break free

They all started laughing at us

"Well look what we caught boys" said a man "looks like werewolf hunt was a success"

The man went over to Zeke was still struggling to break free

"Well look at you now werewolf scum your all trapped"

The man pulled off his hood and Zeke was shocked to see that it was none other then faiths dad

"Guess whats gonna happen to ya" he said "we gonna spend hours torturing you until we finally end you and we gonna cook and eat your little puppies"

Zeke got mad he'd be damned if he was about face his end like this

"You have it wrong you guys just made the worst mistake of your life's for today is day you all die" said Zeke his voice was much deeper is werewolf form

"Oh really and how do you expect to escape"

Zeke pulled his arms hard snapping the branches that held him as he landed on the ground  faiths dad trembled in fear with sweat dripping from his brow

"Well...ummm" he said

Zeke picks up Paul by the face and brought him close his face

"Don't ever bother us again or you'll have the same fate as your friends will"

He then tossed faiths dad far across the forest and high above ground

Everyone else then broke free of there restraints and landed on the ground all insanely pissed

The male witches gathered in a circle all back from one another
With there wands pointed and the pack

"Oh this'll be fun" said angel

"Yeah really fun" said atom

They all rushed the witches as they all quickly casted spells

The ground beneath Zeke snuck in around and went in with only his chest, arms, and head the male witch started laughing at his misfortune

"How's this for funny" said Zeke before using his claws to cut off his opponents legs

The man fell to the ground screaming in pain Zeke then ended it quickly by stabbing his claws quickly into his brain

He pulled his body out of the hole then ran at another witch tackling his to the ground head-butted him repeatedly until his skull caved in

Zeke got up off the now dead body and saw that all the other witches were dead they got the Wolf's 

<well that's all of them> said atom

<what about the one that zeke threw> said Tristan knowing who it was

<just leave him alive to serve a warning to the other witches that think that they can fight us> said justin

They then took off and continued the hunt they all killed a alpha zombie and group of twenty of so zombies they all carried the alpha zombie home just as the sun was rising to show the night was over

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