Chapter 5

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"What's got you so grinning from ear to ear" Vincent said cruising downtown towards the box

"N-Nothing just thinking how nice it is to go to the Ice box, Despite being chaperoned no offense Vinny" I said as Vinny simply shrugged

"Who said I was chaperoning?" He said looking over giving me a slight wink before paying attention back to the road as I raised an eyebrow

"What do you mean by that?" Leaning back into the seat

"What I mean is, Is that your eighteen Y/n, You gotta go and have your own adventures but I will be watching you just not standing beside you" He said Cooly and casually

"Well..As long as your watching over me then I guess it okay" I say as we park closer towards my Uncle's shop

"I got your back even when you don't know it alright? Now come on" He says as we hop up out of the car Max leading me towards the back of the shop where the box lied

"Hey Big Man open up!" Vinny shouts knocking on the door repeatedly as the small space opened again

"You know who this is Rob open up" Vinny said as the large man soon gave me a familiar look before sighing deeply and opening the door

"Hey kid" Rob said as me and Vinny took a few steps into the loud illicit speakeasy as I turned my head

"Stay out of trouble alright?" He says carefully as I simply nod and head off towards the bar behind Vincent

"Y/n I want you to meet the bartenders" Vinny says patting my back as we head over towards the bar where two handsome guys who looked awfully alike stood pouring drinks

"Fellas!" Vinny's voice rang causing both of the boys to turn their heads as we walked up to the front knowing they looked exactly alike

"Fellas!" Vinny's voice rang causing both of the boys to turn their heads as we walked up to the front knowing they looked exactly alike

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"How's business doing boys?" Vincent asked as the boy with longer hair smirks  polishing the glasses a bit

"It's going alright Vinny, I bet I can already guess who you are" He said pointing at me while grinning as I sighed

"Who else in this joint knows who I am?" I ask becoming rather annoyed knowing almost everyone and their mother knew me

"Mostly the people who work for Mr. Charles, You must be Y/n I'm Grayson" The twin with short says holding out his hand for me to shake as I grasp it

"And my names Ethan, It's nice to meet you" The other brother with longer hair says holding out his hand before I grasped it

"Same to you both" I said as a male performer walked up on stage as soon as his name rang out from Sammy's mouth

"Ethan and Grayson mainly take charge of this bar, Mainly the women come back here" Vinny says chuckling as we see the women lurking around the bar eye balling the twins as I shook my head

"I can see, Is Toby here?" I ask as Vincent lights up another cigarette

"He told me this morning he's making rounds tonight so he might not come" Vinny said blowing smoke out as I raised an eyebrow at his term

"Rounds?" I ask causing Vinny to chuckle

"Forget about it it's just business, Go mingle and have some fun eh?" says through his thick Chicago accent as I nod slowly walking off still curious as to what Tobias is actually doing..But then again I'm wondering what Camila is actually doing I think sneaking away heading towards the dressing room praying no one noticed me over the crowds of people dancing amongst the loud music

As I walk through the hallways of each dressing room I see attractive women presumably performers or dancer wondering in and out of some rooms as I inch closer towards Camila's room I get spotted by a beautiful Filipina who looks me up and down and gave me a wink before strutting as she walked passed me as I lightly blushed at the beautiful stranger

"Camila are you in there?" I say just above a whisper knocking on the door before I hear a solemn voice respond back

"Come in" She says calmly causing me to raise an eyebrow she would normally yell asking who is it before she even let someone set one foot in the door, Or so I've been told..I shrug slowly walking in to see Camila in front of her mirror

I'm basically at a lost for words just staring at all her features from her hair In a messy complicated bun to the cute moles on her back and the show all that white is hiding those seductive assets

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I'm basically at a lost for words just staring at all her features from her hair In a messy complicated bun to the cute moles on her back and the show all that white is hiding those seductive assets..

"Are you just gonna sit there and stare at me?" She asks still looking at her reflection

"Yes" I say still observing her from head to heel as she scoffs with a small smile as I soon grin at her adorable smile

"Your an ass"

"So I've been told many times before" I said causing both of us to laugh a little before she turned back to face me her brown eyes shining bright, No wonder why she's the speaks favorite just one glimpse of her will drive your mind, your soul, and your heart mad.

"Your lucky your cute Y/l/n" She said strutting my way as I crossed my arms

"Oh so I'm cute now?" I ask giving her a jackass smile

"Kinda, Now come on" She says grabbing my wrist as I chuckle at her demeaning response as we head out of her dressing room towards the back of the speakeasy

Looks like I'm gonna have some fun after all..

Her playful love towards me didn't start with trouble, It was there when she first laid eyes on me...

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