Chapter 9

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"T-The speak Uncle? Are you sure of what your saying right now?" I ask with each word speaking at a simple pace

"Until I get back on my feet yes, It's not that hard. I know you know your way around money your a Y/l/n your father was a good ass accountant so I need you to take account for the money every night and Vinny will help you secure the rest along with my other main hands who help keep the place running smoothly" He says rubbing his navel as I swallow the lump in my throat and nod

"Y-Yes Uncle Charlie" I say grasping his hand snugly as he grinned

"Good now get outta here, Vinny and the boys will see you later on tonight and I'll have Tobias to look after me so hey" he says as I get up to walk away

"Don't fuck this up Y/n, Or else when I get back I will nail your ass to the wall" he says in a dark serious tone as I felt my knees buckle at his words and agree to his terms as I headed for the door

What kind of underground business is this?..

*Later on that night*

I walk around the speak considering it's kinda full but not wall to wall full as usual due to last nights shooting, I think people are trying to avoid getting shot for now.

"Ethan could you give me a ginger coke, I could use it" I say rubbing my forehead leaning up against the bar table as he polishes glasses

"Sure thing Y/n, But you sure can't use something sweeter?" He asks as his brother turns around as they both wiggle their eyebrows

"What makes you say that?" I ask puzzled as Ethan pops the top off for me

"Because Cabello's performing tonight" Vincent says creeping up beside me as I take a sip of my glass bottle sighing deeply

"Hey, Don't look so down we have confidence in you. And me and the boys got your back and will protect you every night once each night is over okay?" Vinny says placing a reassuring hand on my shoulder as the boys nod in agreement

"Especially Camila, Hell when you first brought it up after you went to the car and she was still in the house she vouched for you" Grayson says confidently as Sammy walks up on stage to the mic

"Well Good evening ladies and gents, Even after a rough night you all deserve something short sweet and simple. Miss Camila Cabello why don't you come give these people a cavity tonight?" Sammy announces as men whistle and others cheer as Camila steps out on stage.

She sways her hips as the best hips her eyes closed as her verse comes into play

"I say I'll move the mountains
And I'll move the mountains
If he wants them out of the way
Crazy he calls me
Sure, I'm crazy
Crazy in love, I say"

And with that verse ended I can feel her eyes looking my way as I soon hypnotize myself in her performance

"I say I'll go through fire
And I'll go through fire
As he wants it, so it will be
Crazy he calls me
Sure, I'm crazy
Crazy in love, you see"

She sings effortlessly as I'm totally lost in her voice like a lonely whale in the ocean

"Like the wind that shakes the bough
He moves me with a smile
The difficult I'll do right now
The impossible will take a little while"

She struts one heel in front of the other as she steps from one side of the stage to the other as she flashes me a quick side smile before continuing

"If I didn't know any better I'd think she likes you as more than a friend" Vinny whispers elbowing me as I blush lightly at the thought

"I say I'll care forever
And I mean forever
If I have to hold up the sky
Crazy he calls me
Sure, I'm crazy
Crazy in love am I"

She sang smoothly as a few stood up and gave her a standing ovation as I grinned at the Latina who bowed and thank everyone for the night walking back as I grinned looking at my watch

"Vinny could you stand by the office door so I could check my uncles finances for the night, And boys could you close up here and tell everyone to head out" I asked as all three men nodded while I walked on over to the other side of the box with Vincent behind me

"I'll keep a lookout right here okay?" He says as I unlock the door revealing the large office"

"Looks like I'll be in here more often" I say plopping onto the black leather seat before me looking around the room relaxing into the seat as I hear a knock on the door

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"Looks like I'll be in here more often" I say plopping onto the black leather seat before me looking around the room relaxing into the seat as I hear a knock on the door

"You may come in" I say looking at a few documents before placing them away as I saw Camila walk up towards me in a clad dress leaning over the desk

"Yes Camila what can I do for you?" I ask promptly

"Well I was wondering if it's  inappropriate if I'm hitting on my boss" she says tiptoeing her fingertips on my hand

"I don't know how inappropriate are we talking?" I ask leaning up to her face as she smirks and bites her lip

"Come with me back to my place after your done for the night and I'll show you"

"Bossy much?" I ask as she pulls me by my collar

"That's because Mi jefe no me castigará (My Boss won't punish me)" she whispers to me In Spanish blowing hot air in my ear as a lick my lips

Maybe being Boss won't be so hard after all..

It's always the words she uses in her love language that tend to undress me...

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