Did they hear me???

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Here's chapter 2 for you guys hope you enjoy ... I did struggle a bit for this chapter so please forgive me if you don't like anything and I'll try to make it better.....


Chapter 2

Finally, the day ended Hyo Hyuk could come home any minute she was a bit nervous about inviting her friend over for the first time especially a friend for who she had some unclassified feelings. It was nothing big, just a movie night and a sleep over so that they could know more about each other. Just so she doesn't miss out anything she even made a list of things she needed and what is had to do.

After a few minutes, she went on her balcony from where she could see the whole street. It was 6:30 and getting dark by that time and the street lights were on and she could see 2 figures walking towards her building. She saw that the guy had her hands over the small girl's shoulders laughing and giggling, walking below the street lamps brightness.

Taeyeon's point of view

This can't be true do I really like her??? Should I talk to her about it or will it be too direct???? I can't ruin our friendship no matter what happens. I have to be care full with it .....Do I really want to get into this mess?? Well, it could be a mess if things go wrong....

End of POV

While Taeyeon was busy in her own thought she heard the doorbell ring and ran down to open the door for them

Tae: ooo thank you so much for coming guys come in and take a seat. I'll be back

She walked towards the kitchen while pointing towards the sofa that was in the centre of the room there was a coffee table in front of the sofa and a TV at a little distance from the sofa. The TV was on a table with three counters and the top one was holding the TV while the second one had a DVD player. Both Hyoyeon and Eunhyuk walked in slowly with a surprised expression. And finally spoke

Hyuk: wow is this really your house ......? It so big and you leave alone here ...

Hyo: don't you get s.....scared (Hyo said hesitantly)

Tae: (said loudly so that they could hear her in the sitting room) no why would I..... it's cool here, but sometimes I do feel lonely.

Hyoyeon started walking around the room watching the pics hanging on the wall asking about It

Hyo: is that your brother???? (She saw Tae walking in with 2 buckets of popcorn and asked looking at her following her with her eyes )

Tae: yap

Hyo: his cute ...!!

Tae: cute ?????really???? (Tae got a bit upset but still, she has to act cheerful after all it's her brother) but I'm cuter than him right (She said holding her backside of her hand under her chin and bending her head slightly)

Hyoyeon: (went close to her and pulled her checks) aaigo gwiyeobda(hyo said that with some aegyo and both of them laughed at her aegyo)

Even the smallest action from the blonde made Tae's heart jump with joy.

Hyuk: your house is awesome....

Tae: thanks....b you guys can come here anytime by the way.... just so you know my doors are always open for you guys. So where do you leave Eunhyuk??

Hyuk: Well you know the church near the Street I live across there

Tae m: and you......(Got interrupted by Hyoyeon)

Hyo: actually me and Hyuk, we leave together.

Again Tae was upset with what Hyo said, once again her heart broken. Young man and women who leave together and they don't even have a brother sister relation. What else could it be if not love??? or is there another seasons for it?????

Hyuk: What are we doing now????

Hyo: we should watch movies ....... or..... (She saw Tae who was in her dream world)...Taeyeon are you okay? Is there some problem?????

Hyo said gently shaking Taeyeon's shoulder turning her face to words herself and holding her cheeks

Tae: I don't know...... nothing ( after shattering a bit she thought she was making it too obvious and started acting normal even though Hyo wasn't helping her much so she tried to change the topic) you can pick whichever you want (she stood up and gave them a CD that was in the third counter )

Hyuk: you're acting weird

Tae: guys you put the CD I'll just come in a min... okay (as soon as she was done talking she left the room without waiting for them to say anything)

One thing she was sure about right now, were her feelings for Hyo. After more than a year she finally accepted her feelings for her. Even though the day she meet Hyo she knew it wasn't something normal but it's just that she wasn't ready to admit it. Today when she saw Eunhyuk's hand on Hyoyeon shoulder it somewhat made her jealous now even worst, wouldn't take it anymore. Well, she could at least try her luck. What's the worst thing that could happen? But if you think about it, she could lose her best friend if not, then maybe they would always be awkward around each other. And that's something that Tae don't want that to happen.

In the seating room

Hyo: what's wrong with her? (She said looking at tae walking away)

Hyuk: not sure but I'm sure she'll be okay.... hey I'll just to go to the washroom Okay wait here

In The Room

Taeyeon came into the room closed to the door she was so deep in thoughts that she forgot to lock it and she went in front of the mirror which was on the opposite side of the front door. The mirror was attached to a table that had all her makeup kits and other accessories. She runs her hand through her hair in nervousness.

Taeyeon was frustrated at herself she thought if they were not in a relationship right she should come clear and confess before both Hyo and Hyuk start liking each other.... she knows it's a big risk but not saying anything is even worst Hyo will never know about Tae's feelings

Tae: (looking in the mirror keeping her hand on her heart) okay chill.... maybe I can tell her... I mean I should try to tell her..... Should I tell her????? aggggrrr how is she going to react if I tell.... will she think bad of me???????

Taeyeon was frustrated at herself she thought if they were not in a relationship right she should come clear and confess before both Hyo and Hyuk start liking each other.... she knows it's a big risk but not saying anything is even worst Hyo will never know about Tae's feelings.

tae: (after a short break she started moving to the length of the table where the mirror was attached ) I won't know the answers to my questions until I ask her.... so I should ask her

Tae: (stopping in her footsteps taking another short break) but how do I say it ??????? what do I say exactly????????? how should I start this conversation........ Or should I go and say directly or will that be too direct? What should I say......? I LOVE YOU HYO

Just as she said that she saw a shadow falling inside her from through the small space between the slightly open door in the reflection of the mirror. The shadow which was passing by stopped for a while and started walking again. Since it was a small gap she could make out who the person was. She gulped down hard hoping that whoever was outside didn't hear anything but the person was too close to. But who could it be? did that person run away coz he or she heard me ???? That's trouble .........


My college just started and m already tired uuuuf this life ...... before my life becomes really busy I'll try to update 2 chapters for all My fanfic .......

I'll work heard. ... I know it's a small update but ....w can wait right ???well this is it for now until I update next you keep thinking who the shadow person is and if the next episode will be dramatic or normal. Anyone's likes drama??????

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