You make me feel ____

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Chapter 3

heyooooooo long time no see ......... it's along (kinda ) chapter ... hope you like it

PS did not proofread it yet (sorry guys I'm a lazy butt)


Nervously, I walked back to the seating room expecting some big reactions from the people in the seating room but to my surprise there was no one there I was bit surprised so I called out to both of them and tried observing their reaction either both of them are really good with holding their expression or none of them were outside the door but that's impossible I defiantly saw someone outside it can't be just my imagination.

Just as I was in my thoughts someone approached from the kitchen behind me "hyo where were you" I asked her with anxiety and fear in me and the girl seemed nervous after that "I..I...was just inside the kitchen" I just realised I was acting strange again "Taeyeon-ah .... neo Gweanchanh-a" she started bending trying to peep inside my room "what's wrong" " ye I thought you left" as much stupid as it sounded I didn't want to tell hyo that I was afraid that she might have heard me confessing in the mirror so just cover up I said random stuff that came to my mouth at that time. " mwo??? Jeongmal ..... and people call me Kim yeolsal" she said laughing and walked back to the seating room.

I just realised that there was someone else missing as I couldn't see him around. Then, could it be him ??? Did he hear ..... that would be trouble ....NO ..NONO...NONONONO........ this can't happen.... nobody can know about it.... not yet..... at least not him ....... he is her friend after all ....why won't he tell her ...... if he likes her he might make it even worst for me..... I can't let this happen .... what do I do .... should I go talk to him but what happened where did he go.... I'm sure me being gay won't affect him so much why did he disappear all of a sudden ...... something is definitely fishy....

"aaaam.... where did Hyuk go" tae said looking at the girl going back In the kitchen getting "he is in the seating room, isn't he??" so he didn't say anything to her yet that's good but where did he go through "his not here actually that's why I asked, did he go somewhere did he say something to you before leaving" "wow, slow down, one question at a time" after turning behind looking at the concern girl she spoke again "well guess he left somewhere but he didn't say anything we can try and call him and find out you know" "okay, should I call him now" "ya sure go on"

"No response from him yet, where do you think he might have gone? Why didn't he say anything before leaving? ....... his not picking up my phone." Tae was frustrated but more scared that everything might get ruined because of her stupidity.

she was thinking something to herself for some time while I was trying to contact hyuk "wait, what is this all about ???? do you by any chance have a thing for him??? " she asked raising her eyebrows "what ?? N...NO, it's not that ... it's just that he went mis....sing on the first day... nothing like that..... I was just concern about him" "okay if you say so" she said rolling her eyes, not believing what the girl in front of her said. "I'm serious" how could tae tell hyo that she was afraid of Eunhyuk revealing everything he might have heard and not that she had feelings for the guy.

They heard a sudden noise "where were you" Taeyeon was the first one to speak up trying to calm her scared heart "hhhhh aa I..I ..went....for ...for a..... hhhhhu for a jog outside ..?keeping my brain and body active you see" he said trying to breath normal again "AAH..." he screamed at the prop coming towards him which he successfully avoided. It was a bottle of water that was standing in front blonde on the table she picked and threw it on him roared "tell us before you go somewhere, will you? and where's your phone taetae has been trying to contact you for so long now" she said going to words the scared soul then looking back at the girl standing with them in the room and gave her a hinting look signalling her if she should continue but as soon as Tae got what she was trying to do so she in attempt to distract her from the topic said that they should continue with their movie night before its too late.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2017 ⏰

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