Worse Yet Worser

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Sometimes getting along with someone can be extremely difficult to do. Especially if this said somone continues to run their small nonexistent mouth at you, pointing vacant fingers at all the mistakes you make, even the tiniest of them. Sean was facing this issue head on at the moment, actually.

Bags were visible underneath his eyes due to the fatigue this irritating voice had brought upon him. And with this tiredness came anxiety. The tired, anxious man brought his phone closer to his face, causing an irritated noise to sound within his mind. Here we go...

"You fucking dumbass, don't go so close to your phone, you'll ruin your damn vision," Brandon hissed. Sean slightly smiled at that statement. Just when he thought the voice genuinely cared for his well-being, it continued, "If you're blind then what good will that inflict onto me, huh!? No good! So get that damn phone out of your face."

Excuse you.

Although it could be very rude most of the time, Sean tends to obey the voice's orders to avoid getting yelled at and causing a splitting headache to course within him.

There was satisfied 'hmph' from Brandon when he clicked his phone off and gently placed it on the nightstand beside him. His hands reached up to rub his face as he groaned groggily into them. He spent his entire night waiting for you to text him until he practically passed out.

"Now get up," the voice's, well, voice was snippy and commanding. "You have a long day ahead of you."

Sean really felt like some kind of slave or servant to this demanding voice inside his head. He couldn't really do anything about it though so he'd usually go on autopilot for the majority of the day, following the orders of this voice.

He threw both legs on the side of his bed, having to use every fiber within his being to muster up the motivation to sit up on it and stand. He then found himself lazily trudging his way into the kitchen.

He dragged his feet against the floor of his kitchen and just as he was about to make his way over to the pantry, he heard a loud ping from the bedroom he had just left. It was practically like music to his ears.

'Don't you dare!' cried Brandon, but Sean had already practically flown back into the bedroom before it could finish its sentence. He plummeted onto the bed, desperately grasping for the phone that was placed onto the nightstand. He clicked it on, only to be severely disappointed. It was merely an email.

He felt all the excitement physically melt off his entire being and he frowned sadly. Brandon tsked, and Sean could practically see it smirking.

'What did I tell you? You're not important to her.' It scolded as Jack face planted into the bed sheets.

Maybe it was right. Maybe you were just too good for him anyway.

He rolled onto his back and fixed his empty gaze up at the ceiling. He wasn't sure why he was so upset that you weren't texting him back. No one had ever had such a strong hold on his emotions like this. You practically had him wrapped around your finger.

Maybe I should text her again. He thought, bringing his phone into his view and holding it up before his face.

'Don't be so naive, Sean. Can't you see? You practically set yourself up for failure by telling her you're a YouTuber. Do you think a woman wants to mate with some weird YouTube guy who plays video games?' the voice hisses, causing bad thoughts to sprawl out of control throughout the barriers of his mind.

What if Brandon was right? What if you thought he was pathetic now?

He clicked his phone on and skimmed through your messages, reading them over and over and over. He analyzed each and every word in all the messages, squinting to see if there lied any further meaning behind them, but not no avail. Sean was basically just torturing himself by overthinking everything.

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