Hearing A Voice

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I swear I've heard her voice. Everyday I've heard it, missed it so much. So much went back to the way it was before she showed up. People were distant, and the Protectors continued training. No one wanted to talk about it, and slowly it was eating away. What was so special about her that changed so many people's lives?

A loud knock comes on my office door, before it's opened and Conner stands there. "We, we uh. We need you to come down, dinners ready." I wouldn't throw him out, because he was her brother. He never knew her, and when it seemed like he could she left. I made silent vows that night to take care of Conner and Christian.

I nod at him before following. No one dared speak during dinner, and there was one empty spot beside me. How did I manage to lose two people I loved? First Kara, and now Avery. It seemed like I was destined for loneliness.

After dinner I went back to my office, staring at the set of claw marks on the doors. When I lost Kara. My wolf takes over little by little and before I knew it another set was scratched along half the down, crossing the other marks.

   I needed her back, because I missed her. She was my life, but I let her go.



They same around, giggling and and playing around. I sit on a white marble bench in the garden, staring down at the book in my hands. Studying, that was what I was doing. Everyone had to, and everyone had a mentor. Mine would be decided tonight and given tomorrow.

I didn't have to start studying, but it kept me busy; kept my mind off of them. The books were different, in the best way possible of course. I didn't know what to start with, so the Librarian had given me the first book to start; it was about the starting of practicing to become a Goddess. How fun.

I skim through the page, flipping it and reading the next. A gold shimmer appears in my side vision and I great the Moon Goddess. "How is your studying?"

I shrug at her question before shutting the book closed. "Fine, easy. Sometimes it's tiring."

   She nods at me, looking thoughtful. She turns to the girls playing in the garden before saying, "Maybe something more would interest you. We have a secret library, on all other things harmful to the Weres. If you would like, you are allowed in." I stare at her, nodding with my mouth agape.

   I thank her before I'm cut off by the ringing of bells; everyone disperses to their next class. She smiles once more at me before she disappears.

   I stand, making my way to the library.

   Forbidden section here I come.


    My hand skimmed the shelves, my eyes floating over every book spine. Nothing was standing out, but why would it? I've seen everything possible, heard every story and tale. There was nothing for me to learn.

   "Nothing to learn Avery? Maybe you just need to look deeper, find a reason for the book." I look back and roll my eyes at the shimmering gold in the air.

   "Find a reason for the book? What do you mean."

   She stares at me, eyes digging into my souls and some how I knew, remembered. "The vampires." I turn around and start running through the library in search for any section on vampires.

   I pull books upon books out, stacking them in my arms. I had to find anything on them. Conner had said they were after me, but by now they would know I was dead- so strange to say- but vampires never stopped half way. They were clearly after something more, I'd just have to find it.

   The night came quickly, few mentors walked through the library, always staring at me. I ignored them, looking over each book multiple times. I had to find something, and quick. Christmas was in three days, and a gut feeling told me something bad would happen. I kept silent in the night, watching the candle light in hopes of calming my nerves.

   The care taker, Garrett, walks over to me. He's dressed in red, the only one to wear it. All ranks had different colours; I was the only one other than the Goddess wearing gold. I don't know what it meant or why but I couldn't question her. Garrett sits in front of me, watching as I stare down at the book. "Having trouble?"

   I look up at him, eyeing the man. His blond hair falls into his face, blue eyes sparkling in the candle light. "Just trying to find something. There was some vampires issues back on earth, so I'm just trying to figure it out." He nods, standing and looking for something.

   "What pack were you in on earth?" He calls. I look up from the books and smile at him.

   "Black Blood." We go silent as he searches, red swaying around him. He pulls a book from a chained wall, setting down in front of me. I stare at the design in the cover, feeling the leather under my fingers as they brush across.

   "This has everything on the Black Blood pack from the very beginning, up until yesterday. It updates itself everyday; you'll find something that the blood suckers might want." I thank him and stand, slamming closed the other books and picking up the heavy leather book.

I make my way back to my room, setting the book on my desk and turning on a light to read. The moon flowed brightly outside my window and I stare at it. I walk to the patterned window and look down.

The Moon palace was like a fairytale dream; the golden pillars and rooms, the moon always so close– to the gardens and how everything sat on clouds, it was a true kids dream land.

From here, I could see the moon and it's face. I look down, wishing I could see the ground and the packs, the city's and suburbs. As much as I loved it here, it pained me to remember I was dead and couldn't visit the earth.

I look behind me, at the book.

I was ready to find out things I might never have wanted to.

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