Pregnant - Marc Bartra

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Jaqueline had been feeling sick the past couple days, usually after Marc had left for training. It was coincidental it seemed, and while she was scared she might be pregnant, she honestly thought she was.

She had officially confirmed it when she took a pregnancy test. She had hidden the box and the test in her nightstand drawer.

She didn't know what her boyfriend, Marc would think of it. They'd only been together for 2 years, and she didn't know how to tell him.

But she thought Marc would be easier. She was really worried about her brother, the one that was coming to visit with his fiancé.

Jackie knew Leo had always been wary of her relationship with Marc. Don't get it wrong, Leo loved Marc as his teammate, but as his little sister's boyfriend? Well, that was a different story.

Speak of the devil...Jaqueline gets up as she hears a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" Marc shouts out.

"It's my brother, dumbo. I told you he was coming," she replied, rolling her eyes.

She opens the front door, and smiles as her brother embraces her. As she moves away from Leo, she hugs her future sister-in-law, Laura.

"How are you both doing?" she asks, letting them inside as Marc comes down the stairs.

"Great, I think," Leo says, staring at his fiancé, who rolls her eyes in return.

"I'm fine," she says. "How are you?"

"I'm doing alright, I guess," Jaqueline replies, butterflies filling her stomach. Or maybe it was the baby feels? She didn't know.

"Obviously girl talk is necessary," Laura says, giving her a smile.

"Yeah, we could use some man talk anyway," Marc says, putting his arm around Leo.

"Sure you could," Jackie laughs. "I love you."

"I love you, too," Marc replies, kissing her forehead.

"You two are acting like you'll be without each other for a month," Leo says, rolling his eyes. "You're literally going to be one room apart."

"Shut up," his sister responds, glaring at him. Laura pulls her into the kitchen, and they sit down at the island, both with a water bottle in hand.

"So, you seemed a little tense," Laura says, "I guess that's the word. Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah, I mean, why not? I'm great," Jaqueline says. "No, I'm not, okay?"

"What's going on? Don't tell me Marc did something," Laura says. "Your brother will kill him for real."

"No, he didn't do anything... technically we did something and now there's a consequence," Jaqueline replies, sighing.

"Are you pregnant?" Laura asks, a big smile on her face.

"How did you know?" she asks.

"Oh, please. Leo and I did the same thing 6 months ago, and we got the same consequence," Laura replies.

"How is baby Messi?" Jaqueline asks, smiling.

"He or she is great. We're keeping the gender a secret for now," the Spaniard replies.

"Hey, sis! You got a bandaid somewhere!" Leo shouts.

What the hell?

"In my nightstand!" she yells back, shaking her head.

Her nightstand? The place where she keeps the pregnancy test? The one not even Marc knows about?

"Jaqueline Messi!" Leo shouts.

Laura and Jaqueline exchange a look before both heading to the stairs.

"Leo, I can explain," she says.

"Explain what? You're pregnant, and the receipt says you bought it two weeks ago," he says, crossing his arms.

"You're pregnant...?" Marc asks, very confused. Jaqueline looks to the floor and nods.

"This is great news! Why didn't you tell me sooner!" Marc exclaims, hugging her.

"Believe me, I wanted to, I just didn't know how," she says, "and I wish you didn't have to find out because my stupid brother snooped through my stuff."

"I can't believe you're pregnant. You can't even take care of yourself! How do you expect to take care of a child?" Leo asks.

Jaqueline, in return, that's sniffling to the point where she just starts crying.

"You see what you do," Laura says, pulling Lionel into another room.

"I can't help it, amor," he responds, sitting down.

"Jaqueline is...what? 23? Leo, whether you like it or not, she's old enough to make these decisions on her own," his fiancé replies.

"I just still don't know how I feel about her and Marc together," he says, sighing.

"Did you see how happy Marc was just now? Did any of that tell you he's going to leave her?" Laura asks.

"You have a point, but that's now. Who knows what will happen once the baby is born. A lot of men have commitment issues," he says. Laura smirks while looking at him.

"Lionel Messi," she says, "you do remember that I'm pregnant too, and I probably won't agree with anything you say, right?"

"Okay, you're right," he says, "but Marc left Barca for's commitment issues."

"It is not," Laura says, slapping his arm. "Now, come on. It's time to apologize."

The walk into the hallway to find Jaqueline crying into Marc's shoulder.

"Jaq," Leo says. "Look, I'm really sorry about what I said. I know you're old enough to take care of yourself, I'm just worried. It's my job as your brother, especially your older brother. I'm just really sorry."

"It's okay, really," she replies. "I should have told you when I first found out, so for that, I am sorry."

Laura and Marc smile at the beautiful brother-sister moment unfolding in front of them.

"Okay. Well, we'll be on our way," Leo says, grabbing his fiancé's hand, hugging his sister first.

Jaqueline hugs Laura but whispers something to her.

"Thank you."

Laura just smiles before they leave Marc and Jackie alone.

"I can't believe there's gonna be a little me or a little you," Marc says, smiling at his girlfriend.

"I know. I'm so excited," she says, leaning up to kiss him. He meets her halfway as he shares a kiss with his baby momma.

For queen_bartra12 ! I hope you like it!💙

This was almost a thousand words, so yes, it'll take me time to write yours. Please be patient!


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