A Good Night Kiss

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This is not in the story but I just wanna put it in ^^ :
One day, LIFE and DEATH were sitting on the edge of the world. Life asked Death, "How come people love me, but hate you?" Death chuckled and sighed. He replied, "Dearest Life, there are many things that you can never understand." Life, dumbfounded, then said with frustration, "I am as old as the land and seas! The sun and moon! Maybe older than you. What do you mean 'many things I can never understand?'" Death looked at Life for a moment. The air was silence, the trees did not dare to move. Everything was at a slow pace. Then Death spoke up. "Life, the reason why people love you, is because you are a beautiful lie, and I am the painful truth."
OKAY! Now back to the story lol

1st person p.o.v
        Finally, Death woke up, somehow ended up in Papyrus's bed. He groaned as he lazily got out of the bed and went downstairs, to check the time. 4:00 AM, he looked. He looked around the house to find Geno know where to be seen. When he finally slowly got to Geno's bedroom, Death saw him peacefully sleeping. He's so dam cute like that.. Death thought. He covered Geno with blankets and kissed his cheeks and left. He thought he was smarter thinking Geno was asleep but BOI WAS HE WRONG! When Death left, Geno, ended up like a FREAKING BLUEBERRY.
         Geno p.o.v {Earlier and then present~}
I was watching MTT's old shows after tucking Death in bed 2 hours ago. I was tired, but feeling sad, and thinking about my friends and family, I couldn't go to sleep. I was about to fall asleep when I heard a groan in Pap's room. Crap! Deaths awake I REPEAT DEATHS AWAKE I thought turning off the TV, lights and scrambling up the stairs to my room quietly.
I know I could just stay there, but I almost died from staying up to late by, you guessed it, Death. I heard him walking downstairs. I shutted my eyes as soon as I heard him walking to my room. He looks at me for a minute and then covers me with a blanket. Then, he KISSED me, on the cheek and then left me alone. I tried to sleep but I keep thinking about Death-- and the kiss.  A voice was booming and bouncing in my head. A feeling grew from me. I couldn't help but smile. I.. I think I like him... Sooner or later I fell asleep, thinking about him..

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