A/n: Updates!

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Hey guys! Aal here, I made a new update on the cover:
Title: Dust (Geno x Reaper)
I decided to make an AU called DespairTale title: "Trapped"
Summary: It's been awhile till the human society decided to go down underground, for they had no more land & space to live. They never knew the monsters, for they had the same idea. Monsters are monsters, and they will do anything to destroy humans, they thought. Instead of killing them, they captured them, and understand their magic or attack, to maintain them, like prisoners in a jail cell. Until, that is, the 7th person ran away from home. They found where they were maintain from all these years, and wanted to do a favor for them. To free them.

Dust   {Geno x Death}Where stories live. Discover now