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Hello my name is Mayson or Mayci you can call me what ever and I look like

Hello my name is Mayson or Mayci you can call me what ever and I look like

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This WOOO just watch your eyes everyone. My name is Mayson blah blah I am 14 I will be 15 on November 6th. I am pretty shy when you first meet to but when I warm up to you I am nice some people call me funny witch I don't think it's true.
I have trust issues
Depression and anxiety
I have more internet friends than real ones.
I write to much fan fiction for my own good.
I am Pansexual.
I am so single it's funny
So I'm not sure what else to write if you want to know more about me just ask.

<3Me Mayci<3Where stories live. Discover now