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Today Markiplier asked us to share are favorite video by him I couldn't share it on Facebook but I can share it on here. This video was the video that really dragged me int his channel even tho I've been there since some wear in between 2012-2013. I've been subbed to him fir only about 2 years but have been watching him for so much more. Mark has been an inspiration for me he has formed and shaped me to who I am today, he's saved my life you can say he's the light at the end of the tunnel including some other YouTubers, Mark was one the the one  first YouTubers I really go Into I would run home and watch his new video an laugh all the way through it my mom popping in to see if I was okay. Mark has got me in trouble with my mom so many time because of his foul language but hell I didn't care I would still watch him and make the same mistakes as I had the other month. Let's just say Mark will always have a special place in my heart and I will always be a part of his army. Happy 28th Markimoo

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