20: shots

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UPDATED 05/15/2022. Revised some conversations and added more historical context. Reminder that some German is used here and that the translations are at the bottom. I like this revamped chapter--I think it flows better.

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JULY 1945

Liebgott, Skinny, and Webster had gone on a patrol. They had orders from Speirs to interrogate a man who had run one of the concentration camps. Apparently, the confrontation had gone out of hand and the next thing they all knew, there was one angry Liebgott and a dead man in the grass.

Webster and Skinny were explaining this to Madison, who was just trying to lounge and smoke her cigarette in peace. Man, she was going to be in so much trouble with her mother when she saw her again because Marlene Klein despised smoking, but Madison couldn't care less at the moment. She was too worried for Liebgott.

Liebgott was a good man, a good friend, and a good soldier. Sure, he was a little hotheaded, but who could blame him? He was still upset about Landsberg, everyone knew it.

"I can't say that I blame him for how he feels," Madison told Webster and Skinny. "I mean, I would be pretty pissed off too. I am. I'm just worried that he's going to do something stupid."

"Like today," Webster said. Madison debated on his words, but didn't voice what she was truly thinking. She didn't want to get into a debate with Company Scholar today.

"I mean...yeah. From what you told me he got reckless. I hope he's okay," Madison checked the time on her watch, needing a distraction. "I need to go to the bakery. It's my turn to pick up something there for my roommates. Do either of you want me to get you anything?"

Webster shook his head. "I'm fine."

Skinny dug out some cash from his pocket. "Surprise me."

Madison took the cash. She waved goodbye to the men before heading down the street and so forth before she found the bakery. She had discovered it a few weeks ago and damn, did this shop make the best desserts she's ever tasted.

Madison opened the door and made her way in the shop. Before the door was completely shut behind her, she heard someone's footsteps close behind, so she stopped and held the door open. A young man, probably around her age came in. He was tall and lanky with dark skin and boyish looks. Judging by his uniform, he was part of the Army. He nodded to Madison in thanks, and she nodded in return. The two stood next to each other inside the store, as they read the sign hanging behind the countertop to see what they wanted.

The man broke the silence.

"Excuse me, miss. This is going to be a long shot, but do you know what any of this means?"

"Yes...somewhat," Madison answered, as she squinted to read. It seemed like her eyesight was getting worse by the day. "I'm more better at speaking than reading. That's my sister's specialty, but I can try to help. What are you planning to get?"

The man shrugged. "I actually don't know. Have you been here before?"

"Yes. I enjoy the Kaiser rolls and strudels here. I'm more of a sweets person, if I have to be honest."

"What kind of strudels do they have here?" the man asked.

"Apple is the best," Madison answered as she moved to get in line. The man followed her.

"I see," the man said. "If you don't mind me asking, what part of—"

Before the man could finish his question, he was roughly pulled and shoved back to the front of the store by a large man, roughly about Bull's size if Madison had to guess. Madison's mouth dropped as she looked up at the man in shock.

we're on each other's team [band of brothers / hbo war]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن