22: home

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UPDATED 05/16/2022. Final edit! Should flow better and mistakes should be fixed in this chapter.

A/N: It's the last chapter of We're On Each Other's Team! I'm emotional right now. I can't believe...wow. We've come so far. This is also by far, the longest chapter in the series. It takes place during the last few months of 1945. I'm actually sad, but also excited! You'll see why later. Until then, enjoy! This chapter took a lot, lmao.

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It was mid-October when Madison stepped foot on American soil. Easy Company had to spend a few more weeks in Europe, which included one more jump, until they were all packed up in a ship and sent back to the states.

Easy had one hell of a trip back to New York. If Madison had to describe it, it felt like a massive sleepover where you pulled too many one nighters. She wasn't sure if they did it because they were excited, jittery, or were having trouble sleeping. For Madison, it was all three. She was ecstatic that the war was over and that she'll be able to be back home. She was jittery because well, wouldn't you be nervous going home after not being there for years? Everything had changed, maybe too much, while they were away. Madison was scared of readjusting back into a normal, civilian life. The sleeping, well, it's not her favorite pastime anymore. It hadn't been for awhile. Not since she was forced to stay in the hospital in 1944.

When the ship docked in Pier III in New York, Madison didn't want to get off, but she knew she had to at some point. So, she picked up her bag, put her cap on, and walked off with Babe, Spina, Luz, and Malarkey.

It was a sight for sore eyes, seeing New York. Madison couldn't believe it. They were truly home, back on American soil. It had been two years since she left on the Samaria, heading to England before dropping into Normandy on D-Day.

Madison clutched Malarkey's wrist as everyone made their way to one of the buildings where a Red Cross station was set up. There were a ton of people on the port and they all welcomed the soldiers home with open arms. Even though Madison appreciated the gesture, it also made her very uncomfortable. She hated the attention. All she wanted to do was say goodbye to her friends and head home.

New York was where Easy truly started to break up, and it hurt Madison. She had been with these men for so long and to be separated from them...she didn't know how she could handle it. They were her friends. No, they were her family. They were her family and they were going to be separated from each other. It was very unsettling to think about.

Webster and Luz were some of the first to leave, seeing as they resided in this part of the states. Madison hugged them both goodbye.

"You may be pretentious, but I am going to miss you," Madison told Webster. He chuckled.

"Thank you. I had a great time knowing you," he said, as he let her go. "If you ever need to enroll in higher up education, call me."

"I'll do that," she laughed. Then she held her arms out to Luz.

"Come here, big guy," she said, and George swooped down and hugged her. "You may annoy the hell out of me, but I'll miss you too. Thanks for being there for me and the others."

"Thanks, Maddie. You should come out and visit," he suggested. Madison laughed.

"I don't think so, but you can visit me," she told him. She loved the man, but she didn't want to meet his gigantic family as well. She was sure they were good people, but the thought of his nine siblings alone scared her.

It was too soon for Madison when it was her time to go home. She would be accompanied by Babe, Johnny, Spina, and Stein. Madison went around and said her goodbyes to the men. Tears started to well up in her eyes. Oh, she was going to miss them so much.

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