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❝clever as the devil and twice as pretty.


ellite has named this group, oh fuck

Members: caroforbes, elenagilbert, and bonfire.

ellite: stefan salvatore is mine

caroforbes: no bitch tf

bonfire: lmaoo i think he likes your sister though

elenagilbert: no he really doesn't

ellite: bonnie did i ask

ellite: i think he likes me or he's just super nice for no reason

bonfire: ellie don't you have a boyfriend

ellite: i do. but he cheats on me anyways so why shouldn't i have some fun too

elenagilbert: you really should dump him. he's so toxic, you deserve better

ellite: no i don't.

caroforbes: ellie what makes you think stefan likes you


caroforbes: YOU SLUT

ellite: lmao no i actually wasn't.

ellite: we met at lunch and like the beginning of every epic love story we bumped into each other. and when he looked me in my eyes i swear he looked like the heart eyes emoji

ellite: i'm not joking

ellite: and then after he was apologizing and smiling and then i made a joke abt smth and he laughed and it was so beautiful.

ellite: so he's mine

caroforbes: really that's it?

caroforbes: me and the garbage man has more chemistry and i've never even talked to him

ellite: i wasn't finished you cunt

ellite: i was looking for jeremy after school and he came up to me and started talking to me and he was just really interested in my life and stuff you know like he wanted to know more abt me

ellite: like he wants to marry me

bonfire: why are you like this?

elenagilbert: 😂😂

elenagilbert: i saw him at the cemetery and he was being really weird and creepy

caroforbes: yikes

caroforbes: he's still sexy tho

ellite: y'all wanna hit up the grill at 5? tyler is there and vickys shift there just started so i need to keep watch on him

elenagilbert: smh sure

bonfire: yeah i'm down

caroforbes: bonnie what is this, the 1990's?

caroforbes: but yeah i'll come.

ellite: great.

ellite: i have an idea. let's invite stefan

caroforbes: we should. but we don't have his number

elenagilbert: no don't invite him that's just weird

bonfire: ellie i bet you won't do it

ellite: bet

ellite has added stefansal to this group, oh fuck. 

elenagilbert: no one call ellie's bluff anymore

stefansal: uhm?

ellite: hey stef it's ellie

stefansal: Oh, hey. What's up?

ellite: me and the girls were just wondering if you'd want to join us at the grill to just chill

caroforbes: and you can make some great friends there too since you're new.

stefansal: Yeah, sure. Definitely.

caroforbes: great! meet us there at 5.

stefansal: Sure thing.

stefansal: Thanks for inviting me, Ellie.

ellite: no problem ;)

bonfire: ell that was actually smart lmao

caroforbes: you're the devil for using that winky face

stefansal: You know what they say; clever as the devil, but twice as pretty.

ellite: stoppp

stefansal: Haha

caroforbes: ANYWAYS

caroforbes: stefan, do you know where the grill is or would you like me to pick you up?

elenagilbert: oh gosh

stefansal: I know where it is, but thank you, Caroline.

caroforbes: no problem ;)

ellite: lol you tried it

wass gaaaaaaaaang

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