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         There happens to be a city in Greek  some years back called 'ITASH'.
Itash is a very wonderful city, a blessed land to be precise.
The beauty in which Itash beholds can be compared to a flower beside a river which blossoms day and night.
Many wealthy people wish to live in Itash, while some wants to takeover the entire city.
  I once heard Itash is an out sketch of Greek.
There comes a day, there was a prophecy that there will be famine, along the line the people of Itash go against God, that day was the day Itash came to is doom.
The beautiful city of ITASH  was cursed and the name was changed to 'LEIGY' (sorrow).

Have you seen a city with a river of blood?, let's go to Leigy.
Don't visit a cursed city, a city which have lost is identity.

ITASHDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora