Nervous much?

85 5 0

September 9, 1996

Buildings and apartments passed by the window like a blur. I barley had anytime to get a good look at them. Not that I was going to, of course. The bus was completely quiet, except from a few coughs and snores Time to time. I didn't pay mind to my fellow orchestra mates, though. My mind had already been preoccupied. The stress and labor of this concert made me feel slightly uneasy, but I swallowed the feeling. I had no room for Anxiousness.

Today was the day The International Orchestra was playing for the some less fortunate children down at the Children's Hospital. On a normal occasion, It wouldn't bother me that much. I've played at hospitals hundreds of times in the past. But, this particular concert isn't a normal one. Not only do I have two solos, but I had to play those solos in front of The King of Pop. Yes, Michael Jackson  for crying out loud was going to be there.

I felt a cold chill run down my spine as goosebumps surfaced on my skin. I tapped on my case with my fingernails, trying to forget the fact that I was basically a bag of nerves.

I felt hand on my shoulder.

Feeling adrenaline pump through me at full force, I quickly turned around to see a familiar face. I sighed and lay my hand to my beating heart.
"Luci! You scared me!" I hissed, trying to calm myself from the 2-second panic attack I just endured. "I'm already nervous as it is!"

The female laughed at me before seeing I was dead serious. She let out a sigh. "Ashaunti, we're all scared here," Luciana, my only friend here started.  "Yeah, Michael Jackson is going to be there, but damnit man! Pull yourself together! You've played before millions of people before and you did just fine!" She elaborated, running her hand through her brown curls.

I looked at her with worry-filled eyes. "Luci, I have a solo. In front of the most famous entertainer in the world right now! That's a lot of pressure!" I exclaimed, tangling my dark hand in my coils. The Hispanic girl rolled her eyes. "Look--" she was promptly cut off from the bus stopping.

Me.Yitz, the conductor stood up. "We're here! Pack your instruments, we are taking another bus back." He said, his stormy eyes looking over us with pure intensity.

I bit down on my lower lip, my heart going basically Usain Bolt in my chest. Luciana gave me a reassuring smile before packing her viola and walking down the isle.

Taking another deep breath, I lifted my Violin and began exiting the crowded bus. Not before long, I felt Mr. Yitz call, his gravely voice easy to recognize.


I turned around, my lip still in my mouth. His dark orbs softened and he gave me an aiding look. "Don't be nervous. The more nervous you are, the more likely you are to mess up." He said.

Giving a shy smile, I nodded as if to say 'thanks' and continued to walk off the bus.

"Also mind your E sharps! Watch your posture, and make lots of vibrato!" He called after me. Chuckling to myself, l looked back.
"I will!"

I walked into the hospital, and the size alone amazed me. The place was huge! My footsteps echoed around the rhotuna of the place, as did my orchestra mates. I quickly caught up to Luciana. "Luci!" I called, making her turn around, looking hella confused.


"Hold this, I need to go to the bathroom!" I exclaimed, pushing my violin in her arms. She looked shook for a second, but I didn't stick around for long before making a mad dash to the bathroom.

Upon entering the bathroom, my nerves seemed to flare as i looked in the mirror.

'Just breathe, shaunti. ' I told myself. You can do this. 'Stop being so damn nervous. Mama ain't raise no bitch!'

I stared at my features, taking in every curve and mark on my being. Short coily hair styled in two puffballs, splendidly arched eyes [that took forever to do], big, plump lips painted a dark brown and two dimples at the side of my cheeks. I had on a pink sleeveless shirt that hanged off my frame and stopped at my thighs and a red bow tie. My pants consisted of leather black jeans that clung to my figure, filling me out in all the right places. To top the look off, black combat boots[That im going to change into loafers after we all play].

Taking one final look at my reflection, I smiled. 'Knock them off their feet, now baby!' I sing lightly to myself before exiting the bathroom.

I made my way down the hallway, passing several nurses and making my way to the cafeteria. The place was huge, and filled with the ill children. Done with bald heads, others with surgical masks, and even more in wheelchairs.

Giving them silent prayers, I made my way over to piano where the orchestra was. Maneuvering my way through the stands, I sat down with the first violins, while Luciana grudgingly handed me my violin, then flipping me the bird, which I gladly gave back.

I opened my case and brought out the violin. This is it. I brought out the string instrument as bright flashes and the children's and nurses screams alike heightened.

I froze, my heart going 350 miles per hour.

I looked up slowly.

There he was.

Michael Jackson had arrived.

The Highest Note [Michael Jackson]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora