Terra Nova

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Security guards and paparazzi followed the man inside the hospital. His black curls hidden with a black fedora nearly identical to mine. He wore aviator sunglasses that gave a sense of emotionlessness and his pink lips were curved into a smile showing his pearly whites. He wore a black windbreaker to shield him from the fall winds, and black pants with--you guessed it-- black loafers.

I had seen him on television multiple times, but damn. He was way finer up close. Unconsciously licking my lips, I watched him as he made his way inside the cafeteria.
"Damn! He fine as hell!" I heard Luciana behind me, which made me bust out laughing. Hey, she wasn't lying.

The pop star went up to the podium and adjusted the microphone, quickly licking his lips before talking.

"Um, It's an honor to be here!" He started, his soft voice filling the ears of everyone here. "As you may know, I'm on a mission to heal the world, and that starts with our children." He said, which earned him yells and claps, to which he laughed slightly at.

His. Laugh.

I wasn't trying to be that girl who gushed over everything he did and said, but he was adorable!

He waited for the noise to settle before talking again.

"I'm here to share the message of love and compassion," he brought his fist up to his chest. "Yes, these kids need medicine in order to survive, but they also want, no need to be loved! Oh, won't you love them?" The claps started up again. So did his laugh.

"Oh boy, I'm embarrassed!"

That earned him laughter.

"So me, along with the international orchestra are here to give that to them." He smiled and waved, giving his signature peace sign. "Thank you! I love you!" He said before stepping down from the podium.

I , along with the other string meme era got up and cheered for the man.

Michael went to sit by the children, holding a 3- year old cancer patient.

Aww! I gushed. How cute!

Mr.Yitz went up to the podium, snapping me out of my gaze, and signaling for the orchestra to get their music out.

"Thank you for that, Mr. Jackson," He started, to which Michael nodded at.  "Out orchestra has been traveling to many hospitals and giving love through our music. Speaking of," he says matter-of-factly. "One of these Pieces of love is a song by Richard Meyer called Terra Nova." He said, gesturing us to bring out Terra Nova.

"Terra Nova in Latin means 'New earth,' or 'New Land'. It's  a powerful song about the building of a new terrain. Hope you enjoy."

Mr. Yitz stepped off the podium, and raised his baton, signaling us to raise our instruments. The dragonflies in my stomach seemed to increase as I snuck a look at the kids and Michael, their faces struck with wonder and anticipation.

'One, two!' Our conductor mouthed.

The Cellos and basses started off with two measures before the rest of us came in. I pushed my bow into the string making the sound stronger.

I forced myself to keep an eye on my sheet music and played vibrato every time I had a chance, counting in my head until the music came to a stop.

The last note hit resonated throughout the cafeteria until it was a dull buzz.

Everyone clapped, and Michael even stood up!
"That was wonderful!" He said, "I loved it!"

I felt my cheeks flare up. Even though he wasn't talking to only me, I still felt flattered.

Mr. Yitz gave us a thumbs up before returning to the podium.

"Another song we've been dying to show you is a song called Dragonhunter. Who here likes Dragons?"

The kids went wild. Screaming "I do!" And "It's my favorite animal!"

Mr.Yitz smiled at the children. "Enjoy."

This time, the Violins, Violas  and Cellos started together, started out strong. At one point in the song, we started plucking the stings to the children's and Michael's pleasure.

At the end of the song, the claps were louder, and even the paparazzi joined in, cheering and taking pictures.

Again, Mr.Yitz scurried up to the podium.
He laughed. "Yes, I know you're tired of seeing my ugly face, but you know, practice makes perfect. Speaking of, two of the young ladies in this lovely orchestra have come to show you just that."


I forgot all about my 'solo'!

It was a duet with Luciana, but I played more than she did.
"Luciana, Ashaunti, if you will."
Luciana stood up, and I sat there in shock like a nut.

She nudged me, and I quickly stood up, placing my Violin on the floor safely in the floor.

I could feel eyes on me from every angle, making my heart speed up for the umpteenth thousand time.

"Let them show you how much they practice."

For this particular part of the concert, I had another cello playing the base melody, and someone playing the drums.

Luciana beamed at the kids, smiling widely. "Do you guys like action movies?" The kids screamed "Yes!"

It was my turn to step in.
"You like James Bond?" I asked, smiling hard, my dimples digging into my cheek.
The kids screamed louder, and I saw Michael chuckle, making the dragonsflies beat their wings harder in my chest.

Keeping the smile on my face I made my way over to the cello, and Luciana made her way over to the Piano.

I took a deep breath and raised my bow. Luciana stretched out her fingers and placed them at the key, signaling me to start.

I started off lightly, before digging my bow into the cello, making a louder noise, then started the action part.

The kids loved it, the papparazzi, Michael, the staff and even the orchestra cheered for us.

Now, for the hard part.

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