Stripped to Pieces

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He looked upon her

With lust in his eyes

He tightly grasped her wrists

Pulling her close

As he began to whisper so sternly

"If you loved me, you'd..."

She violently shook her head


But her opinion

Did not matter

His touch tainted

Her skin

His lips searing

Pain across her own

His words course

Through her veins

Like venom

Killing her slowly

Later left with emptiness

She lay crumbled, broken

Silent tears

Muffled cries

As reality

Collapsed around her

Every time his name was spoken

She flinched

Her face contorted

With the sign of discomfort

Every time she saw him

Her eyes burned

With anguish

And hatred

Locked within herself

Like a cage

She felt as though

She'll never be free

From his terror

From his words

From his graze

From him

Whoever thought one

Could be so wretched

To break such morals

And clasp the girl's heart

In his hands and crush it

In the end,

The words "it'll be ok"

Did not comfort her


She walked the earth

With fear in her heart

And distress in her soul

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