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Cont. from chapter 1


Dolph is doing warm ups to get ready for the mixed tag team match when John comes behind

John : well Dolph I should beat your ass now than later so yeah ..

John beats up Dolph until his body gets tired

20 mins later

John : now that's for sleeping with Nikki

Dolph : you .. ass... hole !

John walks away

John : he deserves it

As John is walking , Charlotte sees him

Charlotte : hey John ready for our match ?

John : yeah I'm let's go out there to make the crowd wild

Charlotte : wow john I like hearing that from you

So both John & Charlotte walk to the entrance stairs

Charlotte : well let's win !!!

John : let's do it

Minutes later

Referee : John & Charlotte no match against Dolph & Nikki

Both John & Charlotte said what

Referee : yeah no match you guys I'm sorry

So both of them go back to backstage

Charlotte : well it's a shame that we can't face them

John : yeah well maybe next time

Charlotte : well wanna go get something to eat ?

John : yeah sure

So John & Charlotte go to a nearby Dave's and Busters

John : well let's have fun

Charlotte : yeah let's have quite the fun

So both of them spend about two hours at Dave's and Busters

John : wanna go ?

Charlotte : sure

So John drops off Charlotte at the hotel she's staying at

Charlotte : John , I had a great night thanks for that and hopefully lets do stuff like this sometime soon

John : yeah same here Charlotte and you're a fun girl to hang out with

Charlotte : bye john

But before Charlotte goes , she gives John a kiss on the cheek

John : bye

Charlotte leaves

John : could she be better than Nikki ? But for now let's get to know each other better then when the time is right I'll try to date her

So now John has gained interest in Charlotte and will that interest grow ?

John Cena & Charlotte Flair Where stories live. Discover now