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Several hours later

Doctor Samuel comes to the lobby

John rushes to him

John : is my girl Charlotte okay ?

Doctor : well John she's in coma and we don't know when she will wake up

Both John and Ric start crying

John : what no no !!!

Ric : I hope to God she wakes up soon

Doctor : well gentleman we don't have an estimated window of when Charlotte will wake up and the worst what could happen is she'll just die in her sleep without waking up ever again

John : that can't happen NO NO

Doctor : but both of you are welcome to see her

So John and Ric both see an unconscious Charlotte in bed

John : no matter what will happen I'll be by your side

Ric : you are a Flair you have to fight this sleep you're in

2 years later

May 1st , 2019

9:00 pm

John gets a knock from the door

John : I wonder who could it be

John opens the door and sees its no other than Charlotte herself

John starts to tear up

John : Charlotte babe is that you ?

Charlotte: yeah it is

John hugs her

John : I thought I lost you forever

Charlotte : well I'm here

John : it has been two years since the incident but most importantly I miss you I really did and I couldn't stop thinking about you , damn it I love you Charlotte Flair

Charlotte starts to cry as well

Charlotte : I love you too !!!

John : should I let everyone know you're back ?

Charlotte : we'll surprise them later but I been waiting to do this till now

Charlotte jumps on to John and starts kissing him and he kisses her back

John : damn I've been waiting to do this as well

As each kiss passed by , they both took off their clothes leaving them both naked and John lays Charlotte on the ground

Both of them keep on kissing until Charlotte locks onto the back of John with her legs , well John did the rest

John : ohh god Charlotte you're fucking great

Charlotte: hell yeah

John squeezes her boob which makes Charlotte moan

Charlotte : ohh John ohh John

John licks her nipples

John : hmm hmm

John lowers himself down to Charlottes pussy

John : wow I've missed seeing this

Charlotte : all saved up just for you babe

John licks around it not missing one spot at all

Charlotte : inside of me now

John obliged and sticks his penis inside of her

John : ohh man this feels good

John then lays down facing Charlotte and kisses her

Charlotte : when doing it do it fast and especially do it with flair

John : ooo ok want it feisty huh

John immediately starts thrusting her fast

Charlotte moans

Charlotte : ohh john ohh

John : you like that don't you ??? Then scream my name out

Charlotte : JOHN

John kisses Charlottes neck and from there he holds on tight and he thrusts her even faster

John : keep on fucking screaming my name out


Charlotte gives a hickey to John

John : damn it Charlotte

3 minutes later

John : ahh shit I'm about to let it all out

John squirts out all of his cum inside of Charlotte

Charlotte: AAAAA

They both catch a couple deep breaths before they a couple heavy kisses

Charlotte : I missed doing this

John : same here but most importantly I missed you and you're finally here

Charlotte : aww John luckily I'm with a guy will love me no matter what happens to me

John : well I'm glad you're with me and thanks for showing the love that I been looking for and helping me get pass through my ex Nikki

Charlotte : yeah I was with you since day one and always will be your day one girl

John : I love you

Charlotte : I love you too John now  I wanna sleep now tomorrow is a big day

John : okay

John wraps around Charlotte and she feels his warmth

Charlotte : good night babe

John : goodnight Charlotte

The lights turn off and they sleep peacefully together and now they will not have to worry about any danger between them any longer with Elizabeth being in Jail so now they can finally have a peaceful sleep

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2017 ⏰

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