P.2 P.4

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It was later that day and I was in front of Kayano's house contemplating if I should knock on her door. I was about to walk away when Kayano screamed out for me.


I stopped in my tracks and walked towards Kayano's door. She was about to hug but before she could I stopped her arms from wrapping around me. She pouted slightly.

"Why can't I hug you?" she asked while she pouted.

I just stared at her and walked into her house. I was the first one there so I sat down on her couch and watched whatever she had on.


I was in the bathroom doing my business. When I was done I washed my hands and dried them.


I walked out to see that Kayano, Nagisa, Karma, that girl with the glasses Okuda I think, a blonde with long hair, a guy with orange hair, a guy with a buzzed hair cut, a brunette girl with a ponytail and bangs, and a girl with black hair and bangs that were split in the middle.

I walked towards them I stood in between Karma and that orange haired guy. I saw Kayano pull out a bottle out of no where. I looked at her then I turned my body and headed toward the door. I had already opened the door when I felt a pair of arms wrap around my left arm. I looked down to see that it was Kayano.

"Get the hell off of m-"

"Y/N-senpai please stay!!"she screamed into my ear.

I pushed her off of me and covered my ears. She grabbed my left hand and and dragged me to where I was standing before. She spun the bottle and it landed on me.

"Of course."I said under my breath.

"Truth or dare?"

'Thank god were not playing spin the bottle'


"How long have you been dating Asano?" She asked with a devilish smile. I just stared at her. I could hear a couple of gasps.

"For a while." I said in a bored tone.

"Do you love him?" When she said that I could feel everyone's eyes on me.

"Aren't you just supposed to ask one question." I said annoyed. Before she could answer I spun the bottle. It landed on Nagisa.

"Nagisa...Truth.or.dare." I saw that he moved a bit when I said his name.

"Dare." When he said a smirk appeared on my face.

"Kiss Kayano." I said as I watched them both grow red.

They looked at each other for like ten seconds. Kayano got up and sat next to Nagisa. They were just looking at each other.

"Any day now you too." Said the red head next to me.

They started leaning in and their lips touched. They "kissed" for like a second.

"Wow that is one of the greatest kisses I have ever seen"I said in a sarcastic tone while clapping my hands. They both just stared at me. Kayano got up and sat back down at her spot. Nagisa spun the bottle and it landed on the red head beside me.

"Karma truth or da-" Nagisa was cut off by Karma.

"Dare." Karma said with a devilish smile.

"I dare you to go into the closet with Y/N for seven minutes."

I glared at Nagisa then at Karma. He got up and stuck out his right hand. I hesitated but grabbed his hand. We got into the closet. It was really dark in there considering there was a light. I leaned up against the wall and put my hands in my front pockets and the back of my head on the wall as well. I sighed deeply.


"Hey Y/N?"


"Do you really love Asano?"

"Of course I don't."I said with a chuckle.

"Then why are you dating him."

"He's black mailing me." I said getting annoyed. I could feel Karma coming closer.

"It was a few weeks ago...he caught me smoking pot behind the school."

"That's black mail?"

"Just...just let me finish, him and his ass of a father gave me everything. They give me money and food and a bed to sleep on."

"So your just with him for the money."

"I could care less about the damn money."

"Then why are you with him?"Karma said getting even closer. I could feel his breath.

"Because...they know about my past." I sighed deeply realizing what I have just doesn't make any sense.

"When I was younger I would help my parents deal drugs with all of the gangs across Japan...one day when I was nine my parents got into a gang fight and they were killed. Then a few days later I was found by Asano and his dad. At first I thought they were the best people in the whole world. Oh how I thought wrong. A few years later I started getting into trouble. I was smoking and picking fights with the kids at school. To keep me calm Asano's dad thought I should go the same school as Asano."

"You still have no idea what I'm saying do you?" I asked Karma. All he did was nod his head no.

"Asano is black mailing because when I got moved into the same school as him I promised his dad that I would stop all of the fights and the smoking. But I didn't. So Asano said that if I date him and "love" him he wouldn't tell his dad." I looked at Karma and saw that he was right in front of my face. I blushed a little looking at his face.

Before I could say anything I felt his arms wrap around my waist. He placed his head on my right shoulder. I tensed up a bit from his sudden movements. I soon placed my head on his left shoulder. A few seconds later Karma lifted up his head and I did the same. I looked at his lips and with out thinking I kissed him. I pulled away quickly.


Before he could say or do anything there was knock on the door.

"Your times up guys!!!"

Karma walked over to the closet door and locked it. He came back and snaked his hands around my waist. He stared at me then at my lips. He kissed me passionately. I felt this weird feeling in my stomach. Karma soon pulled away.

"Why'd you stop?" I asked disappointed.

"Oh you want more." Was all he said with a smirk.

He leaned in again but this time he went for my neck. He kept on kissing until he found my sweet spot. Once he found it he tightened his grip around my waist while I moved my arms to around his neck. Karma kept on sucking until my skin was red turning purple. I moaned slightly at his actions. He pulled away and kissed me again this time he stuck his tongue into my mouth. I did the same. I ran my fingers through his red hair. We pulled apart due to the lack of air. I felt him lower his hands to my butt. He squished my butt which made me jump a little.

"Why don't we go to my house." Karma said with a smirk plastered on his face.


P.2 P.5
Coming soon...

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