P.2 P.10

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It was Okuda

"y/n we have to go."

"Why?" She said as she turned around.

I tried to stop her but she was too fast. She just stood there looking at the door. She had made eye contact with Okada.

Y/N walked over to the door and pushed it open. There stood Okuda frozen in fear. Y/N just glared at.

"what did you see?" She Asked Okuda as she towered over her. Okuda was 4'11 and Y/N was 5'8.

"I Uhh..I didn't see anything."

"Stop lying." Y/N said.

"I'm n-not."

Y/N cracked her knuckles and walked closer to Okuda. Okuda was about to run but Y/N grabbed her arm.

"I'll ask you again why did you see?"

Okuda hesitated then opened her mouth.

Okuda's POV

I saw everything and I felt hated for her.

"I-I only saw you kissing." I lied to her but I knew that if I told her I saw everything I would get knocked out.

She looked at me with disbelief.

She was about to slap me but Karma stopped her. He grabbed her hand then pulled her away.

He whispered into her ear and then they walked away. Karma's arm was wrapped around her waist. Hatred and jealousy filled my heart.

I hate her.

Karma's POV

I saw that Y/N was about to slap her. I grabbed her hand and whispered something into her ear.

"she saw everything..don't do anything now..wait."

She let go of Okuda.

I wrapped my arm around her waist and walked away.

She looked annoyed.

Once we were outside she moved my hand off of her waist and just intertwined her fingers with mine.

10 minutes later


We had gotten to karma's house and I immediately went into the bathroom cause I had to pee.

When I was done I washed my hands and walked out. I laid down on the couch and closed my eyes.

Forty minutes later.

I opened my eyes and heard talking. I knew those voices. It was Okuda and Karma. I rolled over and peeked over the couch. I saw them talking.

"Okuda please leave."

"But Karma I love you..please accept me." She said as she placed her hands on his chest.

"I said no..I don't like you Okuda."

"Just go away..Y/N is gonna wake up soon."

"what do you mean- are you too living together..doesn't she have her own house..why does she have to live with you."

"That none of your business now leave."

"But karma-kun I love you."

"Okuda get it through your head I don't like you and I will never." Karma said getting mad.

Right before my eyes I saw Okuda kiss Karma. Karma tried pushing her away but she wrapped her legs around him. I got up and grabbed the back of her shirt. I pulled her off and looked at her.

"If you ever go near him again I'll kill you." She looked terrified. I let go of her and watched her stumble. She looked at me one last time before she ran away.

I rolled my eyes and walked back to the couch. I was about to sit down when karma called out my name.

"what." I said as I saw him walk over and lay down on the couch.

"I'm tired." Was all he said.

I laid down next to him and faced him .

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