➸ l i f e

74 14 1

Round and round
Goes the circle of life
It's like a sick game
Only without the dice
It's the same thing over and over
Go to school and work hard till you drop dead
Graduate with satisfaction for the future ahead
Get a job as if it's easy like they said
Meet your lover and go through a fairy tale together
Get married have a happily ever after
Have a family for them your expectations are better.

And that's it
Then you close your eyes
And let death take your soul as it dies.

That's it.
The end.

And then you realize you wasted your single chance of living
You could have done so much more, than
just standing here breathing
And then you scream your regrets in hell, questioning why your chance didn't go well

-this is the life cycle of the humans
Torturous is it not?

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