Chapter 4

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Graeson pressed his feet on the gas and the car lurched forward into what seemed to him as the speed of light. The momentum sent them crashing to their seats.

My eyes locked in on the speeding white van closing in from the side view mirror.

It seemed earliy fimilar.

His attention was drawn to the two men who were standing out from either side of the van aiming their guns at them.

A bullet whizzed two inches away from his head and lodged itself on the exact mirror he was spying on them from.

Graeson swevered the car through a sharp turn, in hopes of buying more time or better yet, losing them. Suprisingly it didn't just deter off their assailants as they were keeping up quite easily but brought them closer than they previously were.

"They are getting too clo-," Vince shouted but it was too late. The van collided with their bumper causing Graeson to lose his grip on the steering wheel. Vince hands blurred and in a millisecond gripped the wheel and steered it to the right to keep them from tumbling off thousands of feet down.

Their uncoordinated teamwork spontaneous, Graeson at the same time pressed down on the gas decreasing the ultimate impact of car hitting rock hard surface.

The impact sent him hitting his forehead painfully and for a second was blinded by the pain.

The van, in their moment of confusion, sped up to their left until they were side by side. Pain forgotten his eyes preened for a glimpse of the inside, and with one careful swoop he counted the number of assilants they were dealing with.

Three men; one he couldn't clearly make out, the other two with the looks of the virmin he most then once saw scaling the sweres of the city. Scrawny and with the lithe body of long distance runners, they were the worst types to deal with as they were perfect for hired assasins. Bloodthirsty, lethal and could cut down someone with one well positioned strike without hesitance.

They were positioned between the mountain and their presistant assilants. The van closed in on them until their car was screeching from the friction of rocks scraping against metal.

With one look he saw that Graeson understood the level of threat they were in, one that could potentially cost them their lives.

"Grab the revolver from the right compartment, and in the count of three start shooting," Graeson said throwing me the keys.

He stepped on the breaks at the moment he stopped counting, and Vince fired off the ammunition.

Three rounds of perfectly placed shots and the two gun men were disabled.

The van which was pressed against us three seconds ago suddenly lost its barrier, flew to the side and screeched to a halt. The driver strategically turned the car, blocking off their escape route.

He raised the revolver and aimed to puncture the tire in anger but nothing came out.

He cursed, "I am out of ammunition. Got a spare?"

Graeson shook his head.

"Looks like we have to surrender for now," Graeson muttered.

He looked at him in disbelief, "what kind of plan is that? He could blow our brains out for all we knew. We shot two of them after all."

"And besides," he continued, "the only one they want is me. So if one of us is surrendering it's definitely going to be me."

Graeson's grim expression was clear as a day and he looked like he had already come to his own conclusion.

They didn't have anytime to continue arguing so Vince sighed in resignation.

Vince and Graeson slowly slipped out of the car their hands raised in surrender.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2021 ⏰

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