Lets go celebrate!

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"Sarah when is the party at again?" I ask my best friend Sarah as she take a bite of an apple.

"Tonight at...9:00 I think,but these things usually go on for a while." She answers Causing me to look down unnoticed.

"Sarah, could you chew with your mouth closed for once?" Jason asks Sarah as she rolls her eyes.

"She asked me a question I answered it" she shrugs"but are you gonna come?"

"Of course I'm going! I'm gonna get wasted!" He says with a laugh.

"Hey! What if scar wants to get wasted?"

"Uh...I-i can't- I dont even know if I can go..."

"Why wouldn't you?" Sarah asks sitting up.

"Cause we have that English test on Monday and I really gotta study..."

"Scar,dude, you've been studying for weeks. You need a night off!" Jason says moving next to me "Please?" He looks at Sarah with pleading eyes And they both do puppy dog eyes.

"Guys the puppy dog eyes haven't worked since we were in the 5th grade." I laugh and roll my eyes.

"Scar~ pleaseeee? You've been studying non-stop. Come with us tonight." Sarah  begs.

"Ugh fine," I say giving up, "but you guys owe me a donut or something."

"Yay!" They say in unison while coming and hugging me.

"Ok ok get off!" I laugh.

"Ok," Jason says pulling Sarah off of me,"so what are you gonna wear?"

"Clothes." I say sarcastically.

"No you're gonna go naked" he says with a more sarcastic tone.

Sarah laughs," I'll come over with some outfits for you to choose from later ok?"


"What's wrong?"


"Oh~! I know what's wrong!"

Jason looks at her with a questioning glance.

"This is her first party!"

"Oh yeah..."

Just as I was about to say that I should start heading to class, the bell rings.

"Gotta go." I say walking past them.

"See ya later!" Sarah says stalking off the opposite way with Jason in tow.


I head to my absolute favorite subject, English. There are a lot of people who don't like English at all, but I love it!
I walk in the class and sit in my seat.

"Hello Ms.Black." Mr. Simmons greets me.

I smile in return and start on my work for the day.

As I turn in my work the dismissal bell rings signaling the end of the school day.

"Bye Mr. Simmons." I say walking out.

"Omg do you think she's screwing Mr. Simmons?" Katherine Stephens says to her best friend, Camilla brown.

"Who?" Camilla asks clearly confused.

"Scarlett." She says.

What the hell? Why would they think I'm having sex with a 59 year old teacher?!
I listen a little closer.

"I don't know...she's close with him and all, but she's too much of a goody two shoes."

"True." They walk the other direction than me so I can't hear the rest.

"SCAR!" Jason runs towards me holding something.

I stop,"yeah?"

"You know how you helped me study for my math test?"


"Well... I got an A+!" He says excitedly while handing me his paper

"That's great jase!" I say hugging him.

"As a celebration I'm taking you and Sarah out for whatever food you want!" He says throwing an arm around my shoulders.

I laugh,"Then we should go find her."

"I think she's out by her car."

"Alright then let's go to her car."

Both of us walk off toward Sarah's car. Once we get there we automatically see Sarah...making out with James ,the star football player. Jason stops suddenly.

"Jase I'm sorry..." Jason has had a huge crush on Sarah since 4th grade,but as the years passed its gotten stronger.

"I-its fine...its not like she's mine..." He says looking down.

"I know, but maybe you should tell her..." I say patting his back.

He looks up with eyes the size of saucers,"Are you crazy? What if she doesn't like me? What if she hates me after I tell her? What if-"

"Jase, Jase, calm down dude! Have you seen the way she looks at you? Why would she hate you?"

"I dont know...I just- I don't want to ruin our friendship ya know? But how does she look at me?"

"I can't explain it... She has a gleam in her eye anytime she see's you or hears your name."

He lets out a little giggle and gives me a boyish smile,"R-eally?"

I let out a little laugh. He's so in love it's so cute "C'mon lets go."

"Ok." We walk over to Sarah.

"Um...Sar?" I say covering my eyes.

"Oh!" She says jumping away from James,"what's up guys?"

"Other than his you know" James says ,"I have some awesome news!"

James looks down and whispers something in Sarah's ear making her gag before saying a quick goodbye to us.

"What was that?" Jason say looking at where James stood.

"Nothing." She says,"so what's the news Jase? "

"I got an A+ on my math test thanks to Scarlett, so I'm taking you both out for whatever you want." he says finishing off with a smile.

"Sweet!" Sarah says happily.

"Who's car are we going in?" I ask.

"Since we're right here why not go in mine?"

"Ok." Me and Jason say in unison.

We all get in and Sarah starts the car.

"So where are we going guys?"

"Can we go to pat's?" I ask.

"Omg yeah we haven't been in sooo long!"

"To pat's then." Sarah says driving to our favorite diner.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hi guys! I know that I dont update my books very often but I'm going to try to update this one a lot. Anyway bye


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