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        Enjoy x


Liam and Zayn have scurried off to their bedroom by the time Harry enters the kitchen, only clad in some boxers and a wet smile that threatens to melt into a frown with every step he takes. With limited cooking abilities, Harry scavenges for some eggs and pops them into a pan to scramble, along with putting some cheese on bread under the grill, knowing cheese on toast is Louis' all-time favourite food (for any meal, he isn't picky).

Just as the toast is browning, cheese drooping over the corners in just the right way and the eggs are scrambled just so, Louis emerges with Harry's large hoodie over his naked body, showing the tanned flesh of his supple thighs and the sharp warmth of his collar bones.

"Morning," He mumbles, pressing himself to Harry's back as the man puts a piece of toast and some egg on each plate. Thin arms wind to rest around his waist, the smooth fabric of the hoodie tickling Harry's stomach, nose pressing to his back and the heated fanning of Louis' breaths spreading over the broad plane of Harry's muscular back.

"Sleep well?" Harry asks, turning and pressing a kiss to Louis' forehead as he slips from the man's grasp and moves to place the plates on the tiny kitchen table. Louis nods, shuffling over to take a seat beside his soulmate with a bashful smile.

"You sure tired me out," Harry smirks tightly, knowing that was potentially the last time and it wasn't even his best. "Always sleep better after sex."

"Don't we all?" Harry chuckled, crunching his way into the cheesy toast with a wink to his fiancé.

"Niall said something about a getting next weekend off work, we thought maybe all of us camp out at his and watch the footy?" Louis suggests, effectively plucking Harry's heart from his chest and carelessly letting it glide through the shredder before putting it back.

"Sure, Liam and Zee too?"

"Of course," Louis nods, scooping a mountain of egg and not so elegantly shoving it all in his mouth. His hair is a shaggy mess, falling over his forehead and sticking up unceremoniously in places from sleeping with it damp (it rains a lot), eyes as clear as day, cerulean pools that Harry has drowned in far too many times to count.

With a clutter and a clang, their plates join Liam and Zayn's in the dish washer. Louis sliding in the crockery with half the care Harry would, and shoving in their knives and forks the wrong way round, so Harry blinks slowly, fondly, at his beau and turns them over with a huff.

Louis then scampers to the archway that separates the living room from the kitchen, facing away from Harry as he leans against the wall, effectively exposing the swell of his arse and the tanned skin of his neck as he looks back to Harry with a slow blink.

Harry smirks, dimple slipping into the crevice of his cheek, and approaches the beautifully sculpted body of his dearest.

"You know just what to do," Harry murmurs, deep and slightly breathy into Louis' ear, hands coming to his hips and nose brushing the thin hair by his ear. Louis' even breathing stutters as teeth grace she shell of his ear and warm breaths envelope the sensitive skin of his neck as Harry's head moves to the smooth column of his neck. "My love," He breathes, lips gently ghosting the supple flesh of his throat, fingertips pressing tighter on his hips as he moves them forward, closer to the bedroom.

"You know me just as well," Louis says, pulling from his soulmate's grasp and turning to face him with bright eyes and the side of his hoodie risen up. Harry pulls him in by the waist, as gentle as he needs to be and no more, and pushes his lips to Louis' with the force only someone living off love could muster; letting his tongue roam Louis' mouth like it's his home, zipping sparks of electricity igniting in his veins and thrumming through his body as the pain shuffle towards their bedroom door.

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