Chapter 3: The Meeting at the Black Poison Bar

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My eyes wandered out the beat in window of this old hunk of junk I dare to call a car, as Edd drove Matt and I down a long, winding, blood soaked, bullet-lined, bumpy, dirt path. I would have been wondering where Edd was driving, why so late at night and Why to a place he refused to tell me of...But there was to much pain resonating from the back of my eye sockets.
I could feel as blood began to pool where my eye socket felt pain, I leaned my head back on the cars head rest to keep red tears from flowing onto myself and the car.

I know it sounds a little dumb, a lazy explanation for what is happening to me...that Im just fucking bleeding from my eyes and that should be good enough for anyone I tell of my problem...
but how am I supposed to explain something I dont understand and something no doctor I have ever visited is able to explain or understand themselves...
All I have to go off of is...I'm just bleeding...blood pools behind my eyes before leaking out from my bottom eye extreme cases, even my top lid, dripping down like a leaky faucet to my lower lid and cheeks ...
That is all we know...I'm just...bleeding...

It hasn't been going on long...this whole bloody socket thing...? It has only been going on for about 3 years or so...I remember when it first began...Edd had woken me up early because he needed a little help with handing out rations and Matt was out training a few new cadets on guns.

I opened my eyes after a long yawn to look at him, still laying down, only for him to scream a little at what he was seeing....
My socket, filled almost to the brim with blood, that was soon then after running down my face as i quickly sat up in fear for him and pure confusion as to what was happening, what he was screaming about?

To say the least, i quickly figured out the problem...

It just one knows how, i just woke up one day and bam...!

i think its understandable for me not to being able to explain whats wrong with me other than "I'm just bleeding"

The smell of sulfur, ash, blood, vomit and liquor filled my nose and instantly brought me back...well...back home...or...the last place I once considered home...

Home....How odd....haven't even said, let lone thought of that word in years.....
Home? There is no such thing any more....No one has a "home" anymore like back in the days of old...everyone may have a house....a shelter...a place to go at night....but there is no "home".

Home is a place of happiness...
Home is a place of safety...
Home is a place of protection...
Home is a place of love...

Happiness....Love...Safety....Protection?? Ha! that's a laugh....not here....not anymore...

Hell! some people would even just consider it "a place where my family lives"
...There is no family....
Family is an ancient myth at this point...
something that you can tell a child of what it once was and leave them wondering if what you told them was a lie or something from the past they will never know...

Its like...having your teachers tell you for the first time, the earth is always constantly forever spinning....and you just cant comprehend it! The idea of a family, is the same for a child in this world...
In this world, mommy and daddy dont exist...there is only the woman who was available to give birth and the man who's semen was available at the time.

...In this world we give women more respect than any god had ever gotten before....any ruler...any president or queen or dictator....Because it is the LEAST we can do for them for letting us do what we have to to keep this world alive...

Women dont work anymore....they get pregnant. That is all. That's it.
A deal has been made that we treat women better than a god among man so we may treat them like cattle during the time they aren't being pumped full of dick juice in hopes to produce another baby to try as hard as we god damn can to keep the population up to keep man kind going....

Edd hates we must bring children into THIS world...bringing another child here to suffer a way they never should have to....a way no one should have to...But its the ONLY way....
But....what descent person would check the yes box on "should we bring children into a world where at least one good friend of yours will die from starvation or infection or in battle a day?"

What good person would check the yes box on "should we bring even more little baby girls into this world were we take girls at the youngest ages of even just 7 and put them right on into there life long job, that they can never quit as professional baby makers for the greater good of human life?"

What smart person would check yes on the box "should we bring more little children into this world to be brought up only to be soldiers? bring them into a world where all they will know is war? where every boy once they hit puberty has to jerk off into a cup every other Tuesday or so, so we can collect enough semen to make another baby, till they die?"

The truck rattled to a stop. I heard the sound of an old jukebox as my nose cricked as all those mixed sent's form my past smashed them selves up my nostrils...If i wasn't ready to vomit already, this sent would do it for me...

I heard my door open and Edd took my hand to helped me out.

"we're here?" i questioned

"yeah..." Edd responded quietly

"and...where is here?"

Edd didn't answer.



I gave up with a sigh "whatever...just help me inside and...grab me a cloth, will you....? its happening again..."

Edd stayed silent as he took out a cloth form his pocket and put it into my hand. I Spread it across my eyes and pressed, gently letting my face fall forward so all the blood would leak form my eyes and onto the cloth...I heard Matt gag a little as blood splattered along the ground. There was far far to much blood to be soaked up by this one rag, but it was all we had.

all these years of violence, war, gore, torture, killing and horrific things only heard about in old Sifi stories...and he still gags at my bleeding sockets...

only Matt.

I bring my face up from the deep red, almost black, rag and blink with a groan. I wipe away a what little is left of the blood along my eyes before taking a deep breath and looking around with my now clean vision... clean as it possibly could be right now.

I look to Edd. he was looking at the ground with a slightly sad and angered expression, topped off with worry.

I looked to Matt. He was dry Matt...

I looked at my surroundings and saw we were in a desolate waste land looking place...dirt was the only thing around for miles, there were no trees, no cars, no people, no grass, no hills....only dirt that fallowed a flat path for miles...

in front of me was a shitty beat up shady shack with a sign out front of it, simply labeled "the black poison bar"
. . . god...when was the last time i ever SAW a can of beer....let along a fucking bar....

"....Edd whats going on? what is this place"


I had no idea what was about to go down...but if Edd was to nervous to even tell me? all i knew was this was most likely about to end in disaster....

But I never expected this...I never thought I would have to do this....I never thought I would ever have to see that stupid, ugly, fucking, tooth gaped smirk

"I didn't expect you to actually come" he little laugh slipped from his mouth.

disaster doesn't even begin to explain how to shit storm cluster fuck of a meeting will end....

(hello everyone!! i just want to say im sorry i didnt get this out on time, it is here now and i promise the next chapter will be out early in fact,

where the deal with the devil is made and we get to see how this "little chat" between tom and tord shall go <3 hang tight, the chapters are on there way)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2018 ⏰

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