Episode 1: Oedipus and Jocasta

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Cast: Oedipus (O) Host (H)

H: (stand out on stage in front of audience smiling. Dressed in gray suit with spray tan) Hi and welcome to our show! As this is our first episode, I will explain what we do. We reach back into myth and history to bring back some of the most iconic celebrities, both the scandalous and the glamorous, for a full hour of family friendly entertainment. I'm just kidding, we don't believe in family friendly here. Anyway, to get down to business we have a real treat for you here tonight. A former Greek King and Queen, the original power couple of Greek tragedy. We'll let the Queen on in a moment, but first let's let the King do his thing. Let's bring him out, the blind king of Thebes, solver of the riddle of the sphinx, Oedipus!

(Oedipus enters from stage right while the audience claps. He wears traditional Greek garb and strolls along, tapping his cane to find his way to his seat. The host takes the seat across from him.) 

O: Thanks! Thank you, it's nice to be here and out of the Underworld for a few days.

H: I'm sure. What's it like down there by the way?

O: It's not so bad. It's a touch warm, but the only real problem is the lack of animal control.

H: Yes, I've heard you have a hound problem that has been described as quite hellish.

O: I suppose that could be said. Some of the residences have given the pack leader the name Fifi, but I don't see how anyone could give a beast that will chase you all the way to the mouth of the Styx such a cute name.

H: Fifi, what a lovely name. I'll have to remember it. So, can you tell us a little of why you've come here today?

O: Gladly. I've been told by some of the new arrivals that my life's tale has become something of a joke, that my tragic story has become a classic psychiatric case. In other words, my life has been the butt of too many jokes and I've been written off as a nutjob! I'd like to clear things up and tell my story from my point of view.

H: And I'm sure that it will be just fascinating. So, why don't you tell us the real story of King Oedipus?

O: Where to begin such an epic tale?

H: The beginning might be good.

O: (chuckles) I suppose. Well, I guess it all goes back to when my birth father abandoned me.

H: (aside) Oh dear, another case of the daddy issues. How original.

O: My father, in his infinite wisdom, consulted with an oracle about my future. That lotus drunk hippie told him that I was destined to kill him and screw my own mother! I think we can all agree that this could have been delivered in a better manner, and that anyone with more than a speck of a brain could have known that this wouldn't happen.

H: For sure, but if she did really see the future, which, as it turns out, she did..............

O: A future that my father's actions made possible!

H: Okay, okay, just...chill. Please continue with this oh so sad story.

O: Thank you. My father had me taken from my mother's breast...

H: (aside) a place where I'm sure he spent a lot of time later on.

O: And had a servant leave me in the wilds far away from the city. Fortunately, I was found by some local shepherd who took me to the house of King Polybus and was adopted by him and his wife, Merope.

H: Sound too good to be true.

O: It does, doesn't it? It was a wonderful childhood. I was raised as a prince and never knew that I was adopted.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2017 ⏰

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