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Throughout elementary I always wore girl clothes and just wanted to fit in, I never liked my arms, still don't. I would wear cute shirts with some jeans, in 6th grade I had this fascination with branding my hair, I would braid it everyday, to the side, Dutch, sometimes my mom would call me pippy longstockings.
whenever I got a haircut it would always be a little more then shoulder length, every single time, shoulder length, shoulder length, ugh. Now I finally let it grow out, it's difficult to handle over the summer but at the same time it's cute as hell.

Through 7th and 8th grade I grew my hair and wore a lot of black and band tees, I had this special jean jacket with sweater made me feel safe ( and it has cool inside pockets) I always wore it, I never went to school in just a tee shirt, I guess sweaters were my protection, when I did cut I did it on my arm (wow way to ease it in) so long sleeves were my way of covering the cuts, after I stopped I never stopped wearing sweaters, even when I was hot I never took it off. Even if it was just a stupid zip up hoodie, it was my protection blanket.
All my best friends left me within two years...I never felt so alone...I hated myself and I hated everyone else, I stated to starve myself, I would still eat but only like two bites, I tried purging but it never worked...people talked about me behind my back..I never actually succeeded at what I was doing because I passed out in class...went to the doctor, parents made me eat, I gained a bunch of weight, I hated myself even more, I started majorly cutting and taking diet pills. I was never happy. Then I found a reason to live, small things like my cat and my favorite shows. Long story short after severe struggles I got better, I may still have some demons but I actually feel happy most of the time.

Sorry I got so depressing...

I'm going into 10th grade and I'm going to attempt to get people to like me and want to be around me😛 also I might tell someone how I feel and what I want to be called.

Okay bye

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