Chapter 21

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Last Time: Then we hear the announcement, "Ten minutes till the paintball match. Contestants make your way to the arena." I grin at Christina and we take off to the arena.

We reach the arena in 2 minutes, we quickly head into the preparation room and see the boys haven't arrived yet. There are two people who check our clothing to make sure it matches what the rules were. After we were approved they lead us to the other side where the paintball guns were. Since we arrived first we got to pick our color of our team, the only choices were yellow and green.  I look at Christina and see her nod for me to choose, I reach over and grab two green paintball guns and toss one to her.

Just then we hear the boys rush in out of breathe. I chuckle when I hear Zeke tell Uriah angrily, "It's your fault we were almost late. Your lazy butt slept through all 5 of your alarms!" I shake my head in amusement before following on if the agents towards the door we would enter through.

I give Christina an evil smirk before saying to her, "They aren't going to know what hit them, we have trained enough that this will be simple and easy. You will go after Uriah and Zeke since they are less experienced. I will go after Four and cover you, we will need to scout out the arena as much as we can and find good places to hide and sneak up on them." She nods and grins excitedly. I reach up and secure my hair in a ponytail and we both stretch to loosen up our muscles.

Then our heads snap up when we hear Max announce, "In one minute the battle will commence. Only one team can win. The rules are simple if you are hit with the opposite team's color paintball you are out, and yes Uriah that means you can shoot your own team members and still be in," he says that last part with a small sigh before continuing, "There are also traps set up around the arena that have different obstacles. Last team standing wins. This will Now the battle begin!"  As he finishes we hear cheers from the crowd as the door in front of us opens.

I look at Christina before nodding and we head in automatically exploring the arena, I notice a wire as Christina was walking and quickly reach forward grabbing her shoulder and pull her back. I motion to the wire silently so we didn't draw unwanted attention from the boys who were in the arena somewhere. Just then we hear, "God dammit Uriah! Stop shooting me!" I try not to laugh when I realize it was Four who said that.

We keeping moving forward towards the voices. When I can hear them talking to each other quietly and motion for Christina to move back where we came from. She nodded and moved back to a hiding spot. I smirk before calling out to the boys, "Oh boys, why don't you stop arguing and actually do something. We wanted a challenge, not childs play." They get angry and I add, "If you think you can handle it, come get it!" Before popping out, the glare at me and charge. I smirk before turning and running. I notice they branch out and give a long whistle signaling for Christina to make her move. Four follows me and I lead him to where the trip wire was, I see it coming and jump avoiding it while Four sets the trap off. I glance back and see him covered in fluorescent pink paint.

I laugh before disappearing into the maze of paths. I quickly move around mapping as I go before seeing a tower I could climb. I head towards it quietly and carefully. The I hear the announcement, "Uriah and Zeke were taken out by Christina. Uriah! Stop shooting your brother!" I hear them sigh before shutting the mic off. I chuckle and move forward. I hear a noise above me before someone jumped down, I quickly roll to the side and hold my gun up before sighing in relief when I see Christina in front of me. She smirks and I chuckle. I motion for her to split up, and hold 1 finger up saying there was only one more person left. She nods before going forward and I take a right. I stay low and move forward.

Hey Everyone! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I will include more action in the next scene but please leave feedback and comments below. I read everything you guys send. I will update again very soon. Until then..

-Tris Gruel

Divergent FBI- Rewriting (2021)Where stories live. Discover now