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Name: SAR (some assembly required)
-*gets the popcorn* HERE WE GO!-
Age: unknown. Nobody can guess
-but there has to have at least some records of her birth or..however she was made.-
Gender: unknown, but most likely female
-okay..she may be a robot. Most likely, galaxy! The name!-
Looks: stitched on parts from other people and animals -*spits out popcorn* WHAT?!- one green eye and one brown eye, each different sizes, and stretched out and thin. -._.- multiple joints in her arms and legs from other people -okay, still creepy but a bit better- a green shirt and a sky blue skirt
-so normal for such an odd girl.-
Fandom: original fandom (founders)
-seems cool!-
Other: steals other parts from the body like hair, fur, bone, even powers etc and replaces them with its own to make itself more beautiful. It's victims usually find missing parts to replaced with a new part. -0.0 -
Catchphrase: you have beautiful eyes. May I have them? -Mary Sue-ish. It's popular for creepy characters and a ton in there creepy pasta fandom.-
Weapon: needle and thread
Power: GIT (greed influenced telekinesis) and other powers she stolen
-that seems pretty op to me-
Mary Sueness: 60% you did the overboard with creepy. The catchphrase and the powers also dragged this one down for me

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