As we got closer I could notice their defences were down, no one stood in their guard towers, no one guarded the gates, we could march in freely. Arthas however hung back, he stood on the roof of a building next to his undead frostmourne dragon, his sword pointing towards the main building. Just as we reached the main square the Sin'Dorei flooded out from their hiding places and attacked us all, we were fast to react many of our frostmourne blades would taste blood this day.
Steel clashed with steel, blood mixed wit blood on the ground. We emotionlessly killed women, children. We bound the strong, they were to become Death Knights like us. Arthas was deep inside my mind. "You being my strongest soldier you can take on Kael'thalas!" He told me.
I whistled and my death steed came galloping to me. We charged the streets cutting down everyone in my path, blood splattering off my blade and off  my steed. Anyone who begged for their life we killed immediately. I made it all the way to the Court of the Sun and there stood the golden haired elf. I rode through the fountain and up into the building he was stood in. I jumped off my horses back and attempted to run him through but he grabbed me by my throat and pushed me up against the wall.
"I'm already you ignorant fool!" I spat. He growled at me and threw me across the room. I only laughed causing my echoing voice to have a ghostly accent to it, enough to make shivers dance up and down his spine.
"I'm  the fool? Arthas sent you here alone after me!" He exclaimed, he snapped his fingers and we were suddenly surrounded by guards. The ones behind me poking their spears into my back. "You think me afraid of you?" Kael'thalas said walking around me, he placed one hand on my armour and quickly lifted his hand away as it ate away at his flesh. I laughed to myself.
"Something funny Death knight?" A guard asked me prodding my back.
"Yes, you're all dead." I said as black tentacles rose from my body, and wrapped around the throats of everyone in the room and squeezed the life from them. It made me feel stronger, powerful I relished in ending their lives. My eyes glowing bluer and flickering like flames. "Well done soldier. That's it! For this you shall be rewarded." Arthas said but this wasn't in my mind he was stood directly behind me. "I knew creating you was the right move." He told me proudly resting his hand on my shoulder. I just glanced back with a sinister smile on my face and dropped all the bodies around me. "You will stand at my side and be my advisor." He said.
Once everyone was dead in the city, we took a portal back to the Ebon Hold, taking our prisoners with us. I was to help with the transformations but under the watchful eye of my leader. Now he has promoted me to advisor he wants to make sure he can trust me. He could trust me in life and I know he can trust me in death.

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