Chapter 9

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Reyes' men took control of the bus as Skye, Fitz, Simmons, Ward, May and Hayley got tied up nearby the ramp/cargo hold and Coulson on the preparation room

Both May and Hayley were unconscious

"This is my fault" Fitz told them "Should have learned Kung Fu"

"Oh, yeah. But I shouldn't have pushed you into the field in the first place" Simmons told him "You weren't ready"

"It was my job to make a proper threat assessment" Ward told them

"Uh, we weren't ready" Simmons told them

"This wouldn't have happened if Agent May wasn't on the stick" Skye told them "She would have busted out some of her ninja know-how. Or Agent Collins with her reading minds thingy"

"Collins gave me the signal something wasn't right after profiling some of them" Ward told them, frowning

"Yes" Skye agreed "But too late. What about Agent May, then?"

"Agent May?" Fitz asked frowning "No. No, no. She transferred from administration"

"Well, I've seen her destroy a guy, so..." Skye trailed off

Skye, Simmons and Fitz looked at Ward in confusion

"You've heard of the Calvary?" Ward asked, tilting his head aside

Simmons and Fitz nodded "Yeah"

"Uh, everyone at the academy talks about stor-" Fitz told them

Hayley moaned softly, rolling over her head as she slowly woke up, fluttering her eyes open

"She's the Calvary?" Simmons and Fitz spoke together

May opened her eyes, as well just waking up "I told you to never call me that"

May straightened up from her induced sleep. She had been the first one down as they needed to take control of the bus and she was the piloting the bus.

Simmons smiled "I can't believe it. Oh, we're sure to get out of here now" she looked at May "Um, how do we get out of here?"

Hayley struggled to get herself into a siting positing, her head throbbing slightly

May sat up "Can't go through the doors. They're bolted, tied to the pressurization lines"

Hayley leaned against the ramp/cargo hold wall, looking over Ward toward Fitz and Simmons "And you two geniuses. You have nothing?" She asked, wincing lightly in pain

"Agent Collins, are you alright?" Simmons asked concerned, hearing the pain on her voice.

Hayley ignored the concern "Yes. I'm fine"

Skye looked at her in concern "Your forehead is bleeding"

Hayley rolled her eyes, "I'm fine. I've had worse" she replied. Ward nodded in agreement, looking at Skye and Fitz-Simmons "But seriously. You have nothing?" She repeated, looking at Simmons and Fitz

"Yeah, well, it's hard to concentrate in these intense situations" Fitz told her. Hayley cringed, smiling apologetically

"Hey" Ward told them "Don't freeze up. Take a breath. You don't need to come up with the whole solution" He looked at Skye "Just part of it. Right?"

"Yeah. Pieces solving a puzzle" Skye smiled a small surprised smile

Hayley looked between them knowingly, smirking slightly knowing something happened between them

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