Short Update

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I woke up and I was in a hospital bed. When I turned to my left my supervisor was standing by me.

"You ok?" She asked looking worried.

"Yeah what happened?"

"You started hyperventilating about something and you just passed out. Is everything alright?"

"Yea everything is alright. I'm sorry about all of that. I'll get to work."

"You know, if you need to go home, you can. I can let it slide just this once."

"No thank you. I'm fine."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes ma'am I'm sure" I got up and hugged her smiling.

"You be careful ok? If you need to talk I'm here. " she said smiling. I swear she is the coolest supervisor you can have. After leaving out the room, I went to check in since I didn't get to and then I went to work.

"Hey Robin." I said as I saw her working with a baby.

"Hey. Girl what took you so long." She said looking at me.

"I don't even want to talk about it."


After work Ricko came to get me. I told him what happened when I got to work and I knew he was mad.

"I swear. I'm gone find out who this is." He said and his grip got tighter on the steering wheel. I looked at Aaliyah and Bubba as I sat in the backseat with them. They looked so peaceful. I'm praying that nothing happens to them.

We got to the house and Ricko grabbed Aaliyah car seat as Bubba and I walked in the house. I went to take a shower as my favorite song 'Benediction by August Alsina' started playing on my phone.

I'm tired of this man. What does he want from me? I got out the shower, getting myself together and I heard Aaliyah crying as Ricko held her while sitting on the bed.

"I think she's hungry." I said and I got her then started breastfeeding. Man breast feeding hurt when they don't latch on right. I can't wait until I stop.

After handling her, Bubba came in our room and hopped in the bed with us. I set Aaliyah in her crib because she fell asleep then I went downstairs.

"You ok?" Ricko asked coming in the kitchen with a baby monitor in his hand.

"Yeah I'm fine."

"You don't seem fine. I know it's bothering you. It's bothering me too."

"I don't want to talk about it right now ok?" I went to him and kissed him.

"Ok." He slapped my butt before I walked out the kitchen to go to the living room. I'm gone put an end to this.



I woke up and I got dressed. I changed Aaliyah diaper and took her downstairs with me. She had us up all night crying and being fussy.

I sat her in her cradle as I made breakfast for everybody. What I was going to do today was going to be something Ricko would hate. But I had to do something.

"Good morning babe." Ricko said coming in the kitchen and Bubba followed behind him.

"Good morning mama." Bubba said. I kissed both of them on the cheek. My babies look just alike, coming downstairs with their shirt off and their basketball shorts on.

"Good morning babies...breakfast is ready. Y'all enjoy."

"You not eating?"

"I have to be somewhere. Watch the kids please. Bye babies." I kissed all of them and I went to put my shoes on.

"Where you going?" Ricko said coming to me.

"Ill be back."

"No tell me where you going."

"I'm going to Bambi house ok?" I lied.

"You're lying. Don't think I can't tell when you're lying."

"Can you stop worrying. I'll be back ok? I love you." I said grabbing my belongings and walking to the garage.

"Don't you walk out with out telling me where you going." He said following me. I knew he was being overprotective because of the situation going on. I just ignored him and got in the car. I drove off but I stopped at a corner store then took out my phone.


Unknown: This is new

Me: I want to end this. Tell me where you are. Let's meet somewhere.

Unknown: hmm? You going to give me what I want?

Me: I don't know who you are, I have no idea what you want but I want to stop this. Just tell me where to meet you.

Unknown: The old warehouse on 21st


I went to the warehouse and waited for whoever this man was. I was done playing games. I knew this stalking shxt was going to get serious and family or friends was going to get involved so I have to end it before it happens.

A red magnum pulled up and I remember that car from somewhere. I got out and waited for whoever it was to reveal their self.

"Glad you decided to meet me." He said getting out the car and putting his hands in his pockets. I couldn't believe who I was face to face with. He's seriously been stalking me and it's been almost two years since we've spoken.







A Thug's Wife (H.A.T Sequel)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora