A Walk in the Park

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Just an old chapter back at its old place...

I first posted this chapter about a year ago as a 'bonus chapter' to EA. When I decided to continue with this AU, I deleted it from here to use it as the first chapter of the sequel. But now that a sequel is off the table (i.e. discontinued and to be deleted soon), I'm putting it back here ;).


A Walk in the Park

Three months later - Sunday noon

Jay was rather impatient as he waited at the entrance to the Ninjago City Central Park, located in walking distance of the Ninjago Tech campus. It was already ten past twelve, but Nya had just called to say that she would be a few minutes late. And he just couldn't wait to see her.

The young man wouldn't complain though. His girlfriend was currently preparing for her final exams, which were to take place over the course of the next two weeks. Jay therefore was simply glad that she had agreed to take off this Sunday afternoon from studying at all, to meet with her boyfriend for a three-months anniversary date.

Sure, they would talk every day on the phone or on their laptops, but seeing each other in person was a completely different thing. And unfortunately, that had only rarely happened over the past few weeks. For the previous month, Nya had spent most of her time at the desk, either in her small dorm room or at the campus library, living only on coffee, chocolate and some more nutritious and healthy leftovers her solicitous roommate Pixal would bring home from her shift at the restaurant. So, instead of taking her on a date at a café – or any other indoor place – Jay was going to take her for a walk through the park, to be followed by a picnic.

Luckily, today was a beautiful Spring day. While his favourite colour was blue, Jay also very much appreciated the fresh green of new grass and young leaves as well as the soft pastel tones of the spring flowers blooming around him.
He only wore a blue T-shirt over his navy jeans, and he enjoyed feeling the warm air on his bare freckled arms.

He finally saw Nya walking towards the park at a quick pace. When arranging the date, Jay hadn't told her about his exact plans, just to meet him here and to wear normal clothes, appropriate for the weather and comfortable shoes. As requested, Nya was dressed in a pair of skinny dark jeans and a loose red top under her thin black jacket, as well as blue sneakers. Jay noticed that she had lost some weight since he had last seen her a week ago. When she spotted her boyfriend, Nya's – tired – eyes immediately brightened up and she happily waved at him as she quickened her pace even further.

Jay embraced her in a very tight hug, taking in her familiar scent of coconut. He hadn't realised before just how much he had missed holding her in his arms.

"I...am...so...sorry...I...am...late." Nya gasped. Jay reluctantly let go of her, to let her catch her breath. "I... had set myself an alarm. But then... I wanted to... finish this chapter and then... Pixal was in the shower because she had to go to work and then Kai called and..."

Jay silenced her with a kiss. "Hey, you are turning into me." He smiled fondly at her. "And you don't have to apologise, I still remember my final exams last year. Believe me, you are holding up really well, I was a lot worse. Ask Cole."

Nya fondly smiled back and gave him another kiss. "Thank you. So, tell me. What have you planned for our surprise date?" She asked, noticing the small picnic basket standing next to them.

"Nothing special, actually. But you are stuck inside all the time and the weather is nice, so I thought we could just do a little stroll through the park and then have a picnic." Jay explained. "I had some help from Zane, so you don't have to worry about the food."

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