Chapter One: I've Just Seen a Face

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A/N: I recommend you listen to these songs while you read.

-"Eternal Flame" by The Bangles

-"I Was Made For Lovin' You" by KISS

-"I've Just Seen a Face" by The Beatles


It took five seconds for Riley to fall in love with the girl in the yellow coat and blue hair.

Riley was sitting on the bus, making her way home, when the girl—striking in every way and form— entered the bus in and sat down directly in Riley's line of vision.

It was impossible not to stare at the girl—and not just because of her blue hair and yellow coat.

Her hair was curly, like tiny springs that bounced around with every step she took. And her skin, it was a clear canvas that Riley already wanted to paint with kisses that her lips would brush against. It was a dark chocolate skin tone, and Riley could not think of a better color to go with the brightness that was the girl.

She was the perfect combination of bright and dark.

So when blue hair girl's almond eyes looked directly at Riley's plain, brown ones, Riley felt her heart race like when horror movies begin to build up the suspense with a shrill violin playing. Riley's breath hitched and she felt her face turn red as she quickly turned away. The blue haired girl chuckled and shook her head as she occupied herself with her phone.

Riley looked back at the girl while her headphones played "Eternal Flame" by The Bangles, making her heart flutter even more. She chewed on her lip as the blue haired girl looked up and her eyes met Riley's. The blue haired girl smiled softly and nodded to her before looking back down again.

"Fuck, I'm in love with you." Riley thought to herself before realizing she'd reached her stop. Riley stood up and took one last glance and seeing a quick blur of blue and yellow before the bus drove off again.

Riley sighed as she shuffled her feet and took her time getting home, taking out her phone and starting to type away on her phone as she walked.

Dear girl with the blue hair and yellow coat,

You smiled at me. And that's all it took to leave me completely hooked on you.

Riley continued to type away as she walked into the apartment building. She was with her dad for the week, so she'd be able to finish the rest of the letter in complete silence. Riley smiled at the thought (and at the one of the girl with the blue hair and yellow coat) before stepping inside the elevator and pressing the number of her floor. She hummed to "I Was Made For Loving You" by KISS playing on her ear buds before she heard a voice yell:

"Hey! Stop the elevator!"

Riley quickly extended her hand out to create the barrier so that the elevator door would be forced to wait a few seconds longer.

"Thanks." The girl breathed out as she pressed a button. Riley nodded as she moved her hand away and continued to type on her phone.

The girl glanced over at Riley's brightly lit phone screen, skimming over what Riley had written out of curiosity and lifting an eyebrow before holding back a chuckle, shaking her head.

The two girls stood in silence for a few seconds before the girl turned to Riley and hummed. "Is that Kiss?" she asked.

Riley glanced at the girl and nodded. "Yeah," she mumbled as the elevator began to ascend.

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