The Contestants

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Ugh. I only came to this stupid camp so I wouldn't have to be around my annoying little brother George. I am surprised I got on. Any ways , a 3 hour plane ride and a 20 minute drive to the loading dock and I'm on a speed boat heading I towards the island. I get there and Chris McLean announces here we have Ashlyn, our first contestant! Whatever I'm first so I can see the others I think to myself. Next up a geeky looking girl with braces hops off the boat and grabs Chris and says he's shorter in real life, like I already feel kinda sorry for her.
After Beth a tall muscular guy named DJ arrived and asked where a hottie was haha must be a dumb jock. Then Gwen, a goth girl with blue and black hair , I like her attitude, I have to get to know her. Then some blonde party boy with a cowboy hat named Jeff literally does a front flip on to the dock off his party boat blasting music. Then some full on plastic , Lindsay , she seems ok but man is she dumb. Then the biggest she devil , snobby faced girl steps off the boat named heather. Beth goes to be nice to her and she lunges away. Then, rock music is blared. A guy with a green mohawk, and piercings steps off, he's tall, not to scrawny and idk how to put this gently, HOT. Nope I ain't got feelings so you can back off and continue reading. Anyway his name is Duncan. Then an "athlete " Tyler, whom could barley walk without falling. Him and Lindsay would be cute tbh. A geek with a piano named Harold, why does he sound like napoleon dynamite ??? Then Trent, a laid back looking guy with a guitar, probably has a book of poems somewhere. I saw Gwen eyeing him and nudged her and smiled , she blushed. Then there's Bridgett , a blonde surfer girl who seems like the nice popular girl everyone loves. She even brought a surf board. Then, some stuck up had to be gay kid named Noah arrived, hearing that voice , OOOOHH I wanted to pummel him , ok I'm nice but come on, complaining before your off the boat?? Then a loud black girl named Lashana , I HAVENT TALKED TO HER BUT I LOVE HER ALREADY! She had a leopard bag, and DJ is her brother. Then a fat chick named Sadie and a skinny girl named Katie , I mean they couldn't be more opposite but I mean come on. A homeschooled kid , Zekial , he looked like he had lived under a rock his whole life. Then Cody , I mean he was cute , but not like duncan, um i didn't mean to say that haha. More like a kitten or baby cute. Then a tough manly Russian woman named Eva arrived, and she scared ME. Owen , a really fat guy but super energetic and cool. Courtney, a well composed mixed girl who seemed so nice , she shook my hand , um we are on an island in the middle of who knows where, not the white house.  Then the hottest guy in the world , Justin arrived, mirror in hand. Yeah he's hot but he self-centered, I'm not about that. Izzy, a weird girl, had to be on drugs. Well that's everyone I guess.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2017 ⏰

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