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Dovewing padded into the forest with Scorchpaw following and staring at the forest in awe. Dovewing stopped for a moment and pointed to what seemed like huge pointed trees with strange wood colors and see-through holes. "That is the Twoleg Place, I advise not going alone. Kitty pets and Twolegs roam that place. And the fences are very hard to balance on. We don't patrol on the other side of the fence, but it's best to keep an eye out for stray kitty pets." Scorchpaw nodded, though she wanted to say something. Dovewing and Scorchpaw padded away from the Twoleg Place and stopped at what seemed to be a open moor. Trees abruptly ended and grass with flowers and a open sky laid ahead. "That is WindClan." Dovewing said, "They are the fastest Clan out of all of us. We patrol here some. Now, onto Riverclan." The two she cats padded away from the grass field and stopped at a river. Water rushed past and Scorchpaw could see little minnows swimming franticly. "This is the RiverClan border. They are pretty strange to like water, but sometimes, it's best to have a clan that can swim. When patrolling here, try not to fall in." Scorchpaw nodded again and the two cats walked away from the river before stopping at a place where the once dry grass became more muddy and squishy feeling and the trees began to come closer. "This is ShadowClan, the most scariest clan of all. They are like Shadows and can blend into the darkest places."  Dovewing led the mute apprentice to a hill that stood, overlooking a huge lake. "This is the lake that all the clans used to divide territory and the island in the center, that's for gatherings. I'm sure you have heard of those?" Scorchpaw nodded, "The tree bridge, legend has it that a Windclan cat named Mudclaw attacked Onestar when he first became leader and Starclan made a tree fall on him. Originally Riverclan was going to live on the island when we first came here. Now, it's getting late and you need to rest for tomorrow." Dovewing finished the tour and led Scorchpaw back to the camp.

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