Chapter One

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Chapter One

They stood side by side in a single line. They were all dressed in gray slacks and plain, gray, long sleeved shirts.

Their hands were cuffed behind their backs and their feet were bound together with chains.

Ala restrained herself from shaking in fear as a Commander slowly checked the girl beside her. His hate-filled eyes looked at the girl's freckled arms with disgust.

"Take this one out, no one would want her and most certainly not the Alpha." The Commander sneered.

The girl trembled as two men pulled her out of the line the girls had formed and dragged her away.

Ala heard a single scream after the door to the room shut, and everything was silent again.

The Commander snapped his fingers and the girl that had been beside the other girl, who was just killed, stepped beside Ala until the girl's shoulder touched her's.

The Commander took one step forward, so he was standing in front of Ala.

His eyes narrowed as they met her's. He starred at her eyes for a while, as she held her breath. Then, he searched the rest of her.

His eyes shot up back to Ala's and she knew she was going to have the same fate as the girl with freckles. Ala's eyes were two totally different colors and she'd always been made fun of for it. One was green and one was gray.

"What's your name, She-Wolf?" The Commander snapped.

"Ala, Commander." She replied in her best non-shaky voice.

"State the name of your pack and your father's full name." He ordered.

"I am from the Stilson Pack. My father's full name is Allen Scott Riley." Ala answered.

"Follow me." He turned around and began to walk away.

"Vann, check the rest of the girls while I deal with this one." He ordered another Commander.

The Commander led Ala through multiple halls and up to a door.

"You will stand here while I talk to the Beta and you will not move. If you fail to comply with my order, you will be killed. Are we clear?" He growled and she lowered her head in submission.

"Yes, Commander, we are clear." Ala murmured.

The Commander straightened his tie before opening the door and closing it firmly behind him, but not before giving Ala a menacing glare.

She starred at her chained feet and ached to be back home with her family. She had two younger sisters and an older brother. She wouldn't be able to see them for about two years.

The Selection is a long but important process. 60 girls from different packs are selected to be possible mates for the Alpha, but only 30 are put into the actual Ceremony. They meet the Soon-To-Be-Alpha for the first time before the Arena Killing happens.

The Selection Ceremony is held every 50 years for the old Alpha's son or daughter. In this case it would be his son.

The 30 girls are then put into an arena and are to fight to the death: The Arena Killing. Once there are only five girls left, the fight ends and they are taken to the Old Alpha's house where the New Alpha lives. There, they meet the Soon-To-Be-Alpha again and after a year has passed, he will choose who he wants as his mate.

The others girls will either be let go or killed depending upon the Soon-To-Be-Alpha's decision and the chosen mate will either accept the Soon-To-Be-Alpha's offer or be killed.

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