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Mikey's POV
I sniffled and wiped my nose as I watched the touching moment on the TV screen before me; Linda getting back together with her mom and both of them living happily ever after.

This is the fifth time I watched this movie, The Memories, but it still got to me every time. Maybe, because deep down inside of me, I actually do want a mom. I want me and my bros to be like Linda and sensei and our mom to be like, well, Linda's mom.

But wait.... do we even have a mom?!

"Hey Sunny-D!" I called to Donnie, the feels raging deep inside of me as I watched Linda and her mom walk into the sunset.

"Stop. calling. me. that!" Donnie shouted from the lab. "What do you want, anyway, Mikey?"

I blew my nose and frowned. "Do we have a mom?" I asked.

The whole lair went silent, even more so since Raph and Leo were topside. "Well," I heard Donnie begin, "considering the lifespan of mose turtles, yes. Unless you meant the mutagen canister."

"No, I mean, like, a mom mom. Like, a mommy," I said. I heard Donnie sigh and come out of his lab, standing in the doorway.

"Like I said, yes we do. But she would just be a regular turtle, Mikey. She wouldn't be mutated or whatever. She couldn't do the things Sensei does or hug us or tell us stories, if that's what you mean," Donnie explained sympathetically. I nodded and watched the credits roll on the screen along with Donnie.

"Let me guess," he smiled in a sideways way. "The Memories?" I nodded. "I wish we had a mom," I frowned. Donnie came over and sat by me, pulling me into a side hug. "I know," he cooed. "But in a way, we do."

"I don't want a broken mutagen canister as my mommy," I pouted. Donnie chuckled, rubbing my shoulder. "Yeah... but you've got Sensei and April. And Leatherhead and Casey. But you've also got us, too, Mikey. Me, Leo, and Raph. We'll always be here for ya. Remember that," he said.

Donnie stood up and left, probably to go to his lab thing or whatever. Sighing, I turned off the TV and rolled to the ground.

I imagined all the different scenarios if we had a mom turtle.

She could bake with us.

She could teach us turtle skills.

She could read us stories each night and tuck us in.

Splinter would have a perfect family again, with a wife and us.

I smiled at the happy thoughts, but realized that a tear was making its way down my face.

A tear that should be wiped by my mom, telling me that everything is going to be okay.

A tear that is instead wiped away by the sewer breeze, reminding me that I don't have that mom.

So its settled then. Tomorrow night, I'm going to look for my mom.

And I'm not coming back until I get her.

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