Chapter 7

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Ch. 7: A Thief's Work

Barney paces back and forth in the living room. Yesterday was really fun with Laura, but of course she had to leave again. I tried staying in my room to avoid Barney, but he told me to watch some t.v. I can't really watch it when he's going back and forth in front of it. I guess it doesn't matter since there was nothing good on anyway. Just a bunch of adult shows I don't care about.

Barney has yet to tell me what's bothering him. The only thing it could be is he's still thinking about giving me away. I still don't like the idea of that. Maybe I should tell him the truth. Barney will forgive me. I'm sure of it. I'm about to say something, but decide against it when he stops in front of me.

"Clint I need you to listen to me without saying a word."

I nod. He smiles. "Good," he says. "Tonight we're going to be busy so I suggest you get all the rest you can now. I don't want you falling asleep in the middle of it all."

"In the-"

"Not a word Clint," he reminds me. I get up and go to my room. I wonder what we're going to be doing tonight. I don't think it's good either. Charles is bothered by something and whatever we are doing tonight might be the answer.

I close my door and sit on the floor. I have nothing to do and I'm not tired. I sigh. Maybe Jane and Laura will join us tonight. It would be more fun with them. How could he think I can go to sleep when I woke up not that long ago?

I look outside. I want to go play. Ride my bike. I can't sleep or sit here doing nothing. I grab a book from the small shelve. I open it. A picture of a T-Rex roaring makes me happy. It's big and strong. Like me. On the next page it has some information on it, but I can't read it really. It uses too many big words. I turn the page and look at the really big plant eater. I just call him Long Neck. Since I can't say it's name. I bet he beat up other dinosaurs by crushing them with his giant body.

I sigh and close the book. Dinosaurs are cool, but I'm bored. I open my door slowly and quietly walk downstairs. I only make it halfway. I notice Charles at the couch putting things in a black backpack. Is he leaving me? Or probably sending me away like he said. I don't want to go. Mommy and Daddy would never do that. They may have been mean, but never send me away.

Charles sets the bag down and looks up. I back up the stairs a little. Hopefully he didn't see me. I think he didn't see me. Usually he would call my name by now if that was the case. I back up until I'm at the top again. Barney walks past the stairs without looking in my direction. That was close. I go back in my room, but keep the door crack. I hear the water running. I want to know what he's doing.

I really hope he's not sending me away. I don't want to go. I should beg him right now. Then he'll know that I wasn't really sleeping. I could say because I had a bad dream. He will know I'm lying. I can't say that. I wish Laura was here. She would make me feel happy and make sure Barney doesn't send me away. She's a special girl and maybe we can be together forever.

The sound of an engine fills my ears. Barney said no one would be coming here. Maybe it's somebody to take me away. I open the door a little more and listen. Barney mutters something, but I can't hear him. I listen to the door open.

"Hey Charles," Jane's voice is loud. "Hi Charles," Laura says after. Giggling.

"What are you doing here?"

"Family day was cancel. Dad is fixing a car with a friend and mom is helping our neighbors with gardening. So I said I was taking Laura for a drive."

"A drive?"

"My dad gave me his old car. Still works without a problem."

"I- I wasn't expecting you guys," Barney says.

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