He's Not What You Think He Is

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*Nashley's point of view*

"I just don't like him Nash. He's not for you." My mom loves to choose who I date and don't date. She's always been like that.

"But it's not fair! You don't even know who he really is! You judge him by his past. One small mistake he made." I could see the fury in her eyes. Well, I'm in trouble now.

"He has a child Nashley! Do you not understand what he did to make that boy?" He was 16 and had a baby boy who was 1 year old now.

"So because he's not a virgin I can't go out with him? That is the most stupidest thing ever! John has had sex like twenty times and you know it and you LOVE him!" John is my ex boyfriend that I was forced to talk to because my mom and his mom were best friends and they always come over for diner.

My mom just stood there not knowing what to say. I could tell she was shocked by my words. I had never really told her how I really felt. And I thought, maybe today is the day she finally knows my feelings.

"I just do't understand why you don't like Kellin. He's a very sweet guy and he has a job and he's bought you flowers like three times already. Mom, I really like him and I honestly think he's the one I want to spend the rest of my life with. I've known Kellin for about 3 years and he's been there for me. His personality kind of reminds me of Ernie. I mean you should know how Ernie is, you grew up with him, he's your brother. Kellin made that one mistake, having a kid. But he takes care of him and he visits him and he tries his best to be civilized with Ana but she's just a hoe." I realized I was crying but we burst into laughing when I said that. My mom looked up at me and she was also crying.

"Okay, if you really like him, I guess I can get to know him." I had a huge smile at this time.

"But if he ever hurts you in ANY way, tell me and I'll take care of it." I leaned in to give her a hug and held her for a good two minutes because I was interupted by a call from Kellin.

"Go ahead" My mom looked somewhat happy but that was better than nothing.

Hey guys! So I hope you like the first chapter and sorry it was kind of short but I will update everyother day :D Okay, see you guys Tuesday :D

Xoxo, Nashley♥

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