The Phone Call

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*Nashley's point of view*

"Hello?" Kellin never really called so I thought it was serious or something, but I was wrong.

"Hey Nash! I was just calling to ask if you wanted to do something later on?" He sounded extremely happy but I was actually planning on telling him to meet my mom today. Oh well, she'll just have to wait.

"Sure! What were you planning on doing?" I knew he already had everything planned because that's just the way he is.

"It's a surprise, I can't tell you. That would be silly" I loved how he was so cute and adorable.

"Okay, okay. Fine. But what should I wear?" "Just wear what makes you comfortable. Be ready by 7:30." He's such a cutie.

"Okay, I'll see you later" I hung up and looked at the time. 5:30, I need to get ready now.

I looked at my mom and she looked at me with a look on her face that read, Whatever makes you happy.

After that I hopped in the shower and took a fourty-five minute shower.

I ran to my room and played my music. I grabbed some black skinny jeans that had three stars on the left uper thigh and flowy gray shirt that had the word 'hope' on it. I looked throuh my drawers to find some no-show socks but I couldn't find any matching pairs so I ran back downstairs to my moms room and grabbed a pair. I put on some gray vans and blow-dried my hair. I did my makeup and curled my hair by the time I was done it was already 7:25. Wow, perfect timing.

I went back downstairs and watched a little bit of TV when the doorbell rang at exactly 7:30. Again, perfect timing.

My mom rushed through the kitchen and opened the door. "Hi Kellin, how are you doing?" "Mom stop being a creep" I joked.

"I'm doing fine, thank you for asking Mrs. Carlile" His manners are so dreamy to me.

"Come on Kellin, let's go!" I was feeling kind of awkward at this point, they never really made conversation.

"Mrs. Carlile, if you don't mind, I will be taking Nashley to meet my parents, if it's okay with you." He wanted me to meet his parents? We're not even a real couple yet! I should've worn something dressier!

"Oh, how lovely! Yes of course, take her!" She seemed way to happy. What's going on?

"We'll be on our way now. Have a good night Mrs. Carlile." I never thought Kellin could be so, fancy.

We got in his car and we drove down to his house. It was silent for a moment but I spoke up. "Kellin, why didn't you tell me I was meeting your parents? I could've worn something better." He looked at me with a smile on his face. "I didn't tell you because you would've freaked out and bailed on me." He had a point. I did that with John. Ugh, John. "Yeah, I guess you're right."

It was silent the rest of the ride to our destination.We finaly got to his house and I felt so out of place.

I looked up at Kellin when we walked through the door. "Don't worry, you'll be fine. Trust me."

We were already in, now there's no turning back. The first thing I saw must've been his mom. "Oh! Kellin! I missed you!" She started to attack him with kisses as Kellin blushed. "Mom..." "Oh sorry... Who's your friend?" She looked at me, examinimg me. "This is Nashley, my friend" He smiled. I love his smile. "Hi, it's nice to meet you" I smiled.. Maybe too much. "Hi it's nice to meet you too" She smiled at me, but she kind had a look that said, I don't like you or something. She walked us to the table and we sat down talking and waiting for the food.

Hey, I hope you liked it! ^-^ Sorry I left it off hanging, I wanted to make the date a different chapter o: But yeah see you guys Thursday ^-^

Xoxo, Nashley♥

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