The Creation Story

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Hello dear readers, I guess I should've made the creation story the first chapter but I didn't, so forgive me. And since I still have to write that part I've decide to put it in this chapter.
Enjoy reading and please don't forget to vote, comment and share to friends.

The Greeks believed that the world pre-existed the gods who were created from a union of its parts.

     (1) Chaos gave rise to the goddess Euronyme who produced the serpent Ophion in conjunction with the North Wind. The union of Ophion with Euronyme produced the universal egg from which everything else hatched.

     (2) In the Homeric version all living things arose from the union of the stream Ocean with Tethys, and in the Ophic version the union of the three-headed goddess Night with the wind produced a silver world-egg from which sprang Eros, who created the sky and the heavenly bodies. Night continued to rule until the coming of Uranus.

     (3) In another story, Earth arose from Chaos and bore Uranus who thereupon fertilised Earth to produce the plants and animals of the world. Earth also produced the 100-handed giants, Briareus, Cottus and Gyges, the one-eyed Cyclopes and Arges, Brontes and Sterope, the original Titans.

       (4) Yet another version says that from the void of Chaos there emerged Erebus (darkness), Gaea (earth) and Nyx (night). The union of Erebus and Nyx
produced Hemera (day), Aethir (air) and many of the forces controlling human life, such as fate and fortune. Gaea produced a son, Uranus, whom she married to produce the early gods such as Cronus, the Titans, the Cyclops and the Hundred-handed Ones. Cronus castrated his father, usurped his throne and started the second divine dynasty.

      A variation of this story has Aether and Hemera producing a son, Eros, who helped in the creation of Gaea and Pontus and then created all the plants and animals, breathing life into the first humans, moulded from clay by Epimetheus and Prometheus.�

     Alright, so this is what I was able to gather for the creation story according to the Greeks. My next chapter will be on the remaining children of Cronus. Until then see y'all.

I love y'all and please don't forget to vote and comment.


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